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Article summary

This option is a place where you can map a template to scenario, entities, and global fields to the template.

Entity Mapping

You must complete the budget entity setup to map the template to the Budget Entities. This step is crucial for aligning your planning model with your defined organizational structure.

To map a template to the budget entity, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Templates > Template Setup.
  2. Select the Scenario.
  3. Select the template and click the Mappings drop-down.

  4. Select Entity Mapping and the Entity Mapping page appears.

  5. Select the entities you want to map the template to in the left pane, click the forward arrow, and the entity will display in the right pane called Mapped Entities.
  6. Click Save.

Template Mapping

Using this option, you can map the template to a scenario. This option appears in the Mappings drop-down only when you select a scenario other than the default. You can create many scenarios or versions of a budget or forecast, but you wouldn't want to create templates for each scenario. Instead, you create templates that are automatically assigned to the Default Scenario. Then, you map templates to as many scenarios as you like. 

To add templates to other scenarios, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Template List page (Maintenance > Templates > Template Setup).
  2. Select the desired Scenario from the drop-down list to which you want to map templates (Default Scenario is initially selected).
    Once you select a Scenario, templates mapped to the scenario are displayed.
  3. Click the Mappings list box and select Template Mapping. The templates attached to the Default scenario are listed.  
  4. Choose the template(s) you want to map to the current scenario.
    The Template Mapping page does not list the templates mapped to the scenario.
  5. Click Save.
    Scenarios must be forwarded to make them available for template mapping.

Global Field Mapping

Global Fields are used for planning and forecast calculations in templates. Global values are pulled automatically by system-defined formulas within the planning templates based on the associated entity and scenario. Once you create global fields, enter values , and map to scenarios and budget entities, you need to map the global field to templates mapped to the scenario. Click here to learn more how to map the global fields to templates. 

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