Template View Mode
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Template View Mode

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View mode does not allow you to make changes to the template. You can only view the template.
To open a template in View mode:

  1. From the Planning Control Panel, select the budget entity in the budget hierarchy from the left pane.

  2. Select the template in the middle pane.

  3. Click the View action in the right pane.

What To Do When There Are Data Discrepancies in the Template

If calculations (for example, sub-totals or percentages) in the template you are viewing are not accurate/updated due to recent updates to the driver/source templates (for example, Employee Compensation, Capital Planning and Initiatives), but individual budget lines are updating correctly, do the following:

  1. Access the template that you are viewing in Input mode.

  2. Next, verify all fields are updated/accurate.

  3. SAVE the template. Doing so updates the calculations and synchronizes the driver/source templates until further changes are made requiring this process to be repeated.

If Input mode is not available to you as a Budget Preparer/Approver, take one of the following actions depending on the use case situation:

Situation 1: The budget entity is in an approval state (Forward, Approve, or Final Approve)

Action : The Budget Approver must use Send Back so that the Budget Entity and all corresponding templates are available in Input mode. The Budget Preparer must open the template in Input mode and SAVE the template.

Situation 2: The budget template is in an approval state (Mark Complete)

Action : Click Mark Not Complete so that the template is available in Input mode. If the budget entity is also in an approval state, the Budget Approver must Send Back the budget entity as described in Situation 1. The Budget Preparer must enter the template in Input mode and SAVE the template.

Situation 3: The Planning Scenario is locked (i.e., Budget Preparer/Approver cannot Send Back) and all budgeting actions are locked except for View function

Action : Contact your Budget Approver to share the potential discrepancy. A Planful Budget Administrator can unlock the Planning Scenario so that you can access the template in Input mode. Once unlocked, if the budget entity is in an approval state, see Situation 1. If the budget template is Mark Complete, see situation 2.

How to Determine if There are Data Discrepancies for Templates Opened in View Mode

To determine if there are data discrepancies for templates opened in View mode:

  1. Open a template in View mode.

  2. Within the template interface, click the More menu.

  3. Select Validation Report under Subline. The Validation Report checks for discrepancies between a View and Input template.


These features are available for Global Template - Single Copy, Global Template - Entity Copy, and Block template types.

What is View Mode Validation and How Do I Run It

With View Mode Validation, you can check if there are any values that have changed since the last time the template was saved. When a template is opened in View mode, it retrieves the values for all cells based on the last time it was saved. So, if a formula is defined in a template cell that references accounts, opening a template in View mode will display the value that was calculated and saved in the prior template version. This means that if the values of the referenced accounts change after the last time the template was saved, and the template is opened in View mode, you will not see the impact of the change as the template is, essentially, out of date. However, with View Mode Validation, you can check if there are any of these types of discrepancies.

In Practice: View Mode Validation

Open a template in View mode from the Planning Control Panel. Click the More list-box and select the View Mode Validation option. The data in the template that is not up-to-date is highlighted in red as shown below.

Prior to View Mode Validation:


After View Mode Validation:


What is the Validation Report and How Do I Run It

Run the Validation report to view all discrepancies between a View and Input template. To access the report, open a template in View mode, click the More list-box and select Validation Report under View Mode.

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