User Role & Management
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User Role & Management

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Article summary

As an Administrator, your role involves adding and managing users within Planful. This includes granting access to application pages and ensuring data security. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > User and Role Management. Your initial task will be to upload users into Planful, and here are a few options:

  • Data Load Rules: This method is user-friendly and commonly used. 
  • Web Services: This option involves APIs and is suitable for Administrators with technical expertise. 
  • User Page: This approach is not helpful for multiple users, as it requires individual loading. 

For a comprehensive understanding of these options and their specifics, refer to the Admin Guide on Loading Data to Planful.


Here are the functionalities available on the User & Role Management page. Click each tab to find more details.

The term User primarily refers to two types of users: 

  • Business Users: They can perform a wide range of tasks within the application. However, they cannot edit External users or perform actions like locking or deleting users. 
  • External Users: These individuals from outside your organization have access to the applications, such as Planful partners. Editing the details of External users isn't possible. Nevertheless, Business users can adjust the navigation access for External users.
Adding a User
  1. Go to Maintenance > User and Role Management.
  2. In the User section, click the icon to add a new user.
  3. Enter the user's Email address. 
  4. Select the User Authentication Mode from options like Native, SSO Provider, and Hybrid
  5. Provide the user's First Name and Last Name.
  6. Select options from the drop-down menus for: 
    1. Status 
    2. Navigation Role 
    3. Reporting Role 
    4. Task Manager Role 
    5. Support Role 
  7. If adding a Dynamic Planning user, select Yes in the radio button. 
  8. From the Dynamic Planning Roledrop-down, select the appropriate role: 
    1. Contributor 
    2. Power User 
    3. Reviewer
  9. Check relevant options: 
    1. Background Administrator 
    2. Disable Password Expiration Check 
    3. Enable Two-Step Verification 
    4. Enable Web Services Access 
    5. Enable Post Message
  10. Click Save.

For more details on creating users, click here.

Export as Excel 

You can download the user file as an Excel by clicking the export icon.


You can easily print the user's list by clicking the print icon.


You can modify the information of a user that already exists by clicking the edit icon.

Copy Permission

You can easily copy a user's permission settings to grant the same level of access to a new user. 

  1. In the User section, click the Copy Permission icon.
  2. Select the user from the User list pane whose role you want to copy.
  3. Use the right arrow to move them to the Target Users pane.
  4. Click Save.

You can delete a user from the list by clicking the delete icon.

Security Option

Using this, you can perform the following actions:

Reset Password

You have the ability to reset the password for the user whose information is listed.

The User Group page serves the purpose of adding and editing categorized groups of users. When there's a need to grant the same access privileges to a specific group of users, it's more efficient to create a user group and assign group privileges rather than assigning them individually.

How to Add a User Group 
  1. Navigate to Maintenance > User Management.
  2. In the User Group section, click the icon to add a new user group.
  3. Enter a Group Name and a Group Code.
  4. Browse users you wish to associate with this user group.
  5. Click Add.
Export as Excel 

You can export the list of user groups and the corresponding mapped users as an Excel file by clicking the export icon.


You can easily print the user's group list by clicking the print icon.


You can modify the information of a user group that already exists by clicking the edit icon.


You can remove a user group from the list by clicking the delete icon.

Security Option

Using this, you can perform the following actions:

Learn more about the User Group feature here.

Navigation roles grant users access to specific navigation paths, allowing them to reach particular application pages and their associated features. For instance, a standard planning user could have access to Budget Input and Reporting functions, whereas a Planning Administrator might access Maintenance pages, Budget Input, and Reporting features.

Creating a Navigation Role
  1. Navigate to Maintenance > User and Role Management.
  2. In the Navigation Role section, click the icon.
  3. Provide a Navigation Role Code and a Navigation Role Name.
  4. Click Save.

You can edit the navigation role by clicking the edit icon.


You can remove a navigation role from the list by clicking the delete icon.

Navigation Access

This goes hand-in-hand with the Navigation Role. You will be selecting the application pages to which you want the navigation role to grant access. Users or user groups will then be assigned this navigation role, which will define their access to specific navigation paths.

Assigning Navigation Access to a Navigation Role

  1. Click Navigation Access within the Navigation Role page.
  2. Select the appropriate Navigation Role from the drop-down menu.
  3. Grant access to the desired path by checking the corresponding checkbox.
  4. Click Save.

Editing Navigation Access for a User

  1. Double-click on any user to access and edit the Navigation Access page.
  2. From the Navigation Role pull-down menu, select the appropriate navigation role.
  3. Click Save.
Apply Filter

You can apply a filter to view any specific data.

Export as Excel 

You can download the summary and detailed reports by clicking the export icon.


You can easily print the navigation role list by clicking the print icon.

Learn more about the Navigation Role and Access feature here.

Approval roles have a vital role in authorizing users to perform specific actions in the budgeting process. For instance, assigning an approval role to a budget manager enables them to approve budgets. These roles can have varying levels of responsibility for budget entities. 

Add Approval Role
  1. Navigate to Maintenance > User and Role Management.
  2. In the Approval Role section, click the icon.
  3. Enter the Code and Name, and select the necessary Approval Actions.
  4. Select the required Operating Budget Template Actions and Initiative Approval Actions.
  5. Click Save.
Assigning Approval Role
  1. Navigate to  Maintenance > User and Role Management.
  2. From the Users list, search for the required user to assign or edit the approval role, and click the security icon next to them.
  3. Click Approval Role Setup from the list.
  4. On the Approval Role Setup page, you can enable/disable the permissions to Edit Scenario, Enable Workforce User Access Tab, Enable Template Snapshot, Create and Manage Views, and also you can set Budget entity permissions and Approval role.
  5. Once the permissions are set, click Save.
    Tip: Click the Reload icon to refresh the page.

You can modify the information of an approval role that already exists by clicking the edit icon.


You can remove an approval role from the list by clicking the delete icon.

Apply Filter

You can apply a filter to view any specific data.

Export as Excel 

You can download the approval role list by clicking the export icon.


You can easily print the approval role list by clicking the print icon.

Learn more about the Approval Role here.

As a Power User, you can map User Groups and define security permissions using the Model Permissions tab. This tab allows you to associate other users or user groups to different models as well as their related dimensions and members. Only the Power User can access the Model Permissions tab.

Learn more about the Model Permission here.

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