How to Use Pays Setup to Calculate Salary Differently for Salaried Versus Hourly Employees?
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How to Use Pays Setup to Calculate Salary Differently for Salaried Versus Hourly Employees?

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Article summary

To use the pays setup option to calculate salary differently for salaried versus hourly employees, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Compensation Items tab and click Add.
  2. On the Settings screen of the Add Compensation Item page (shown below ) select Apply Pay Plan.

  3. For Pay Plan, select Pay Plan set against Employee Position
  4. Click Save.
You can have a pay plan set by each employee as part of your employee file upload. These settings will make no difference for Salaried employees since the configuration task salary calculation basis is set to Equal Monthly.

But for Hourly, it will calculate salary based on the Calendar Days Pay Plan defined under Pays Setup.

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