Adding Finance Modes
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    Adding Finance Modes

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    Article summary

    Perform the initial setup for asset purchases on various finance options like credit, cash, or loan purchases. Set up finance modes for asset categories. For each asset category, set up capital costing items. Each finance mode you create can be used to budget various assets under a chosen category.

    To add a finance mode:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Capital Planning > Asset Setup. Click the Finance Mode tab.

    2. Click the Add button from the top menu on the Finance Mode page.

    3. For Finance Mode Code, enter a code that correlates with your company's current practices.

    4. For Finance Mode Name, enter a name that is descriptive and easy to identify.

    5. Select asset categories to map to the finance mode. Select the asset category and click the forward arrow to map the asset category. You can also unmap asset categories by selecting one in the Mapped Asset Category pane and clicking the back arrow.

      Select multiple categories at once by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key.

    6. Click Save.

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