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Article summary

Mapped attributes are available for end-user selection/input when the Initiative is added via the Planning Control Panel for budgeting/forecasting. 

Let's use the Cake Baking example used in the Initiative Setup documentation. The initiative is to bake a cake. When your end users add this initiative via the Planning Control Panel, you want them to enter a date when the initiative begins and a date when it will end (which is when the cake is baked and all the slices are sold). Dates are attributes of initiatives. You also want end-users to select from a list of stores they will shop at to buy the ingredients used to bake the cake. So, you create a vendor attribute and select the List attribute type. You enter the stores as available selections. Now, you have an initiative (to bake a cake) with 3 attributes; start date, end date, and vendor.

To add the attributes, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Planning Templates > Attributes.
  2. On the Attribute List page, click the Add button.
  3. Enter the Attribute Code and Attribute Name to identify the attribute.
  4. Select Attribute Typefrom the following:
    1. Text- indicates budget end users will enter text in the attribute field available when adding an initiative via the Planning Control Panel.
    2. Date - indicates budget end users will select a date from the date picker for this attribute field available when adding an initiative via the Planning Control Panel.
    3. Numeric Data - indicates budget end users will enter a number in the attribute field available when adding an initiative via the Planning Control Panel.
    4. List - indicates budget end users will pick an option from a list box in the attribute field available when adding an initiative via the Planning Control Panel. Example below.
  5. Click Save.

The table below describes some system-defined and delivered attributes:


The vendor represents the group/department/office/organization associated with the initiative. For example, if you create an initiative to buy new staplers for every employee, the vendor might be ABC Office Supplies.


The description of the Initiative. It is typically entered when the Initiative is created on the Initiative Add page.

STS - Activity Status Indicator

Reflects the status of the Initiative. Various values for statuses are:

  • Not Started - The Initiative has not started.
  • Completed - The Initiative is complete.
  • Deferred - The Initiative is deferred to a later time.
  • Yellow - The Initiative is pending.
  • Green - The Initiative is approved.
  • Red - The progress is stopped.

Cat - Category

Select the Category in which the initiative is grouped:

  • Strategic -impacts the organization or department's overall goal or focus.
  • Operational - impacts the day-to-day way in which the organization or department functions.
  • Financial - impacts the organization or department financially.
  • Compliance - impacts the organization or department's specifications, policies, or rules.

Imp - Impact

Select the type of impact the initiative will have (low, moderate, significant, severe) on the category associated with the Initiative.

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