How to Add a Capital Template Type?
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How to Add a Capital Template Type?

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Article summary

There are 2 parts to complete the creation of a template:

  1. Template Add - From the Template List page (accessed by navigating to Maintenance > Templates > Template Setup) click the Add button to define the template type, enable spreads and global fields, and set other parameters.
  2. Capital - Navigate to Maintenance > Capital > Asset Setup. Set up Asset Categories, Assets, and Finance Modes. Then, perform template set up for Finance Modes. Assets are loaded to the Capital template via the Budget Control Panel template Input page.

Complete the following steps to add a Capital template.

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Planning Templates > Template Setup.

  1. Select Scenario as Default Scenario. All templates must be created on the Default scenario and then mapped to your scenarios of choice.

  1. Click the Add button.

  • For Template Type, select Capital Template.

  1. Enter Template Code (enter any code that correlates with your company's current identification practices).

  1. Enter Template Name (enter a descriptive and identifiable name).

  1. Select the Entity Type for the template. This information is populated from the Entity Types set up in Hierarchy Management. Entity types are associated with the lowest level members of the budget hierarchy.

  1. For Data Transfer select Apply Sign Reversal or No Sign Reversal. This selection works with the Debit/Credit field in the Natural Account segment. Debit accounts typically display data in the same sign as stored in the database. Credit type accounts typically store data in the opposite sign of that stored in the database. Therefore, a credit becomes a debit (or negative) in the database, but is displayed as a positive in reports and during input.

    • Apply Sign Reversal - Select this option so that credit type accounts are displayed and entered opposite the sign they are stored.

    • No Sign Reversal - Select this option to display and enter balances as they should be stored in the database.

  1. For Display Line Code, select the checkbox to display a separate column in the template for the line codes.

  1. Click the Template Columns tab. Template Columns - Attribute Columns - attribute selections are not available and are pre-populated based on your configuration on the Define Capital Budgeting Criteria page shown below.

  1. Click the Segment Members tab. This is not available and pre-populated 


  1. Click Save and click the Back button to return to the Template List page. There is NO Template Setup to set up for Capital templates. Capital setup (assets, finance modes, and asset categories must be completed).

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