Creating Fields in the External Source Model using Model Manager
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Creating Fields in the External Source Model using Model Manager

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Article summary

Before creating new Source Model Fields:

  • You cannot create new fields if a Source Model Map exists because an existing Source Model Map contains mappings from the existing list of fields.

  • You cannot create new fields if the Source Model contains data. You must clear the model first.

See Also Creating an External Source Model.

  1. Login to Spotlight.

  2. Select the Model task.

  3. Scroll to find the External Source Model you want to view.

  4. Click the gray text that says External Source Model.


    The list of existing fields, if any, appears.


  5. Click ADD. The Create Fields box appears.

  6. Click Add Fields. A new field is added with a default type Text. Under Label, enter a name for the field. Continue by adding additional fields.


    Type - Select Text, Numeric, Date, Formula, Constant Text, Constant Numeric, or Constant Date, based on the content and purpose of the column in your external data source.

    Label - Enter a name of the field. Fields will be used in the Source Map to identify data from the external data source (CSV, TXT, or other file) that will become dimensions and dimension members, or data.

    Best Practice : List the fields in the order that they appear in your external data source to make it easier to load the data.

    Format - For Date and ConstantDate types, select the layout that the date or Expression is formatted in.

    Expression - For more details on Data Types, Expressions, and Formulas, see External Source Model Field Types, Expressions, and Formulas. For ConstantText types, enter the text to place into this field. For ConstantDate types, enter the date to place into this field. For ConstantNumeric types, enter the value to place into this field.

    Data Load - Yes indicates that this field is coming directly from the data source, and No indicates that this field is derived from a formula or constant.

    If you make a mistake you can click the trashcan icon to delete a field.


    When you add a Formula field, you are adding a placeholder. You will fill in the formula separately.
    Information on the options available in the Create Field box is provided below.
  7. When you are finished, click Done.

    Now you see the fields you added in the list of fields. You can click each item to make changes to the fields.


    If you have added any fields of type Formula, you must fill in the formula before you can save all the fields. See Creating New ESM Formulas below.

  8. When done making all changes to fields, click the Save button.


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