Deploying Standard Reports for End-Users
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    Deploying Standard Reports for End-Users

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    How to Deploy Standard Reports and Make Them Available to Users

    Deploy Standard reports to make them active and available to users. Once reports are deployed, Administrators must grant user access. Dimension security functionality is applicable to standard reports. Users will only generate standard reports for entities/data to which they have access either by their assigned Budget Approval Role or within Dimension Security.

    Task 1 - Complete the following steps to deploy a standard report:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Reports > Standard Reports.

    2. Verify the Standard Reports tab is selected.

    3. Select the appropriate reports.

    4. Click the More list-box and select Deploy Reports . Select a place to store the reports within the File Cabinet.

    5. The progress bar at the bottom of the screen will indicate when deployment is complete. Deployed reported have an Active status.

    Task 2 - Complete the following steps to provide user access to a report:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Admin > User Management.

    2. Select a user and click More.

    3. Select Report Access.

    4. Select the reports deployed in task 1.

    Optionally, you can provide access to a group of users by completing task 3 instead of task 2.

    Task 3 - Complete the following steps to provide group access to a report:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance >Admin > User Management.

    2. Select a user group and click More.

    3. Select Report Access.

    4. Select the reports deployed in the task 1.

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