Description of Fields on the Job Manager Page
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Description of Fields on the Job Manager Page

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Article summary

Job Manager displays details for all process flows and data load rules by process type, date, status, etc. A description of the fields on this page is provided below.

Edit - Scheduled processes can be edited to run at a date or time other than the scheduled date or time. Processes that ran immediately cannot be edited.

Detail Log - Open the Detail View page to view more details regarding the process. Fields displayed are based on the job selected.

  • Status

    Queued – Another job is running for the same scenario, report collection, data load rule

    Running – The job is currently being processed

    Complete with Error(s) - One or more (but not all) of the sub-tasks (reports) in the Report Collection failed.

    Success – The job completed successfully.

    Failed – When a task fails, data is provided in the Reason or More Details field.

    Possible reasons for a Report Collection to fail include:

    Connection to the reporting cube cannot be established.

    The number of reports (sheets) exceed the maximum limit configured.

    No member selections in the source report on the row/column axis.

    The Rule definition is incorrect. View the Detail Log for more information.

  • Task Name – Name of task within the process flow (i.e., Task Name selected on the New Task page)

  • Sub Task Name – In the example above, the sub task name is the name of a report within the report collection

  • Task Type – Type selected on the Process Flow > Tasks > Add Task page

  • Start / End Time – Time the job started and completed

  • Description – Description of tasks performed (e.g., emails sent)

  • More Details – Information on failed tasks

  • Reason – Information on failed tasks

Job Name - The name of job within the process flow.

Process Type - The type selected when the process flow was created.

Frequency - How often the job runs (e.g., daily or weekly).

Scheduled Date - Date the job is scheduled to run.

Last Run Status:

  • Scheduled – Job is scheduled to run at a specific date and time.

  • Running – Job is currently being processed.

  • Success –Job completed successfully.

  • Failed – When a job fails, data is provided in the Detail Log.

Start / End Date - The date the job started and ended.

Owner - The user that created the job.

All processes in Job Manager older than 90 days are automatically deleted. To save Job Manager history details to an Excel spreadsheet on your computer, select Output > Save As Excel.

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