More Options List Box
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More Options List Box

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In Practice: Copy a Report

  1. Select the required report from the File Cabinet page.
  1. From the More Options list box, click Copy. The Copy Report is displayed.
  1. Enter the Report Code and Name in the respective fields. The selected report code is displayed by default in the Code field.
  1. From the pane below the Location field, select the required location.
  1. Click OK to save the report.

Reporting Administrator and a user with Full Control or Read only access can copy a report.


In Practice

  1. Select the required report from the File Cabinet page.
  1. From the More Options list box, click Rename. The Rename is displayed.
  1. Enter Code and Name in the respective fields. The selected report code is displayed by default in the Code field.
  1. Click OK.


In Practice

  1. Select the required report from the File Cabinet page.
  1. From the More Options list box, click Setup. The report is displayed.
Administrator or a user with Full Control or Read only Access can set up a report.


In Practice

  1. From the More Options list box, click Share. The Share window is displayed.
  1. Select the required folder or report from the drop-down list. By default, the folder or report selected in the File Cabinet page is displayed in the drop-down list.
  1. Select the Inherit Permissions from checkbox and then select the required folder from which you wish to inherit permissions. Permissions can be inherited only from one of the parent folders in the hierarchy.
  1. In the search box, type the user or user group name that you want to add.
  1. Select any of the following access privilege:
    • Can Read

    • Can Edit

    • Full Control

You can provide Can Edit access only to folders.
Administrator or a user with Full Control access can share a report.
  1. Select one of the following from the Apply Permissions to Childrendrop-down list:
    The Apply Permissions to Children drop-down list is only visible for folders.
    • Always -If selected, the source artifact permissions are inherited to existing and newly added artifacts at all levels. The artifact status is displayed as Inherited beside the user or user group name.

      For example, if Always is selected for a parent artifact, then the children artifacts will inherit the same permissions as the parent. The image below displays that the Consolidation Reports (child) folder inherits the same permissions as the Finance and Accounting (parent) folder.

      Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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      When the permissions on the source artifact is updated, the same permissions are applied to all its children automatically.


      The permissions for a user or user group is not updated if you override or remove the permission in the target artifact.

      Permissions are updated or removed only for a user or user group who have the status as Inherited or when a new user or user group is added to the source artifact.

    • Once - If selected, the artifact permissions are copied only to all the existing children. Any new child added to the artifact will not have the same permissions. Also, if you update permissions on the source artifact, the same permissions are not copied to its children automatically.

    • Never - If selected, the artifacts have independent permissions. By default, this option is selected.

      Permissions are inherited only to those artifacts for which the user has Full control access.
  1. Click Share.

Add to Favorite

In Practice

  1. Select the required report from the File Cabinet page.
  1. From the More Options list box, click Add To Favorite. The selected report is added to the Favorites tab and a star icon is highlighted against the selected report.

Remove From Favorite

In Practice

  1. Select the required report from the File Cabinet page.
  1. From the More Options list box, click Remove From Favorite. The selected report is removed from the Favorites list.

For a Reporting Administrator, when the security associated with an artifact (report or folder) is changed, the affected Reporting Administrator will still have access to the artifact. The artifact will not be removed from the Reporting Administrator’s Favorites.

For a Reporting user, when the security associated with an artifact (report or folder) is revoked by a Reporting Administrator or Reporting user, the affected user(s) will no longer have access to the artifact even though it will appear in their Favorites.

When permissions to an artifact are copied, the artifact will not be present in Favorites for the target user even if present in Favorites for the source user. This is applicable to both Reporting users and Administrators.

The Add/ Remove Favorite functionality is not applicable to user groups.

Usage Report

The Usage Report provides information about the segment member such as if the segment member is used in a budget entity, if the segment member has data, and if the segment member is used in template defaults.

The Usage Report displays:

  • Label of the artifact where the member is used

  • Type of the artifact where the member is used

  • Path where the member is saved

In Practice

  1. Select the required report from the File Cabinet page.
  1. From the More Options list box, click Usage Report. The Usage Report tab is displayed.

You can perform the following actions on the Usage Report tab:

  • Refresh - Click the Refresh icon to update the report.

  • Export - Click the Export icon to export the selected report.

  • Apply Filter - Click the Apply Filter icon to filter repor

Show/ Hide Properties

In Practice

  • Select the required report from the File Cabinet page.

  • From the More Options list box, click Show Properties. The Properties tab is displayed.

The following information is displayed in the Properties tab:

  • Type of the report.

  • Location where the report is saved.

  • Owner of the report.

  • Date on which the report is created.

  • Reporting Area of the report.

  • Formula Exceptions (displayed only for Dynamic Reports)

    Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Export As Excel

In Practice

From the More Options list box, click Export As Excel. A process will be submitted in the cloud. Once the process is completed, a message will display with a link to download to Excel.

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