How to Define Workforce Attributes for Workforce Planning
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    How to Define Workforce Attributes for Workforce Planning

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    Article summary

    Workforce attributes are used to calculate compensation items that use an attribute basis. You might also create attributes to manage additional employee position information. Employee position attributes are referred to as "reporting attributes".

    1. Access the Workforce Attributes page by navigating to Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup and selecting the Workforce Attributes tab.

    2. Select the scenario.

    3. Click the Add button.

    4. On the Add Attribute page, enter an attribute name.

    5. For Attribute Type, select from the following:

      • Date - Aides in the computation for date of eligibility of individual employees for certain compensation items. For example, the 401K eligibility date is configured as an Workforce Attribute of type Date.

      • Value Set - Helps configure compensation items individually for a set of attribute values. For example, the State attribute is defined with a set of state attribute values in which your organization has operations. This attribute is used to configure SUTA individually for all states as it varies from state-to-state.

      • Value Source - Value source attributes have a default value. The value can be changed for individual employee positions.

      • Derived Years - Helps calculate compensation items based on employee years of service. For example, to apply the contribution to employee retirement plan as a compensation item based on years of service of the employee, you need to have an attribute which calculates the seniority(years of service) based on the hire date of the employee.

    6. The Reporting Attribute checkbox may be available based on the Attribute Type you select. A Reporting attribute is not a compensation attribute. So, if you select this checkbox, the input for the attribute doesn’t influence the calculation of the compensation data. If you select this checkbox, another checkbox called Read Only Attribute for Budget Input is available. Administrators can make Workforce reporting attributes read-only to prevent budget users from modification. This means that read only attributes cannot be edited from the Planning Control Panel as they are read only. Read only attributes are editable in the Default scenario in Maintenance from the Employee add and edit pages. This way, budget users can edit and provide default values as necessary for these fields.

    7. Based on Attribute Type selected, you can add a Default Value. Default values for value set attributes should be within the attribute value list. Default values can be edited from the Default scenario Add/Edit page.

    System-defined attributes are; Annual Salary, Budget Revision Date, Budget Revision Percent, Current Revision Date. DATE_HIRED, FROM_DATE, Hrs/Month, Rate/Hr., Salary Class, TERM_DATE.

    • TERM_DATE (Termination Date) - A system-defined attribute that is associated with employee position and signifies the termination date /position end date.

    • FROM_DATE- A system-defined attribute associated with employee position and signifies the employee position start date.

    • DATE_HIRED - A system-defined attribute that signifies the employee hire date, which many be different from an employee position start date.

    • Cur Rev Dt (Current Revision Date) - A system-defined attribute associated with employee position and signifies the current year raise date. This attribute handles pay increases between current (now) and scenario start date.

    • Bud Rev Dt (Budget Revision Date) - A system-defined attribute associated with employee position and signifies the current year raise date. This attribute handles pay increases in a budget/forecast scenario. The scenario can have one year or multiple plan years based on application configuration. For multi-year budgeting, only one Budget Review Date field is displayed for an employee position and pay increase is assumed on anniversary dates for budget year 2, budget year 3, and so on.

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