How to Display Template Notes in a Dynamic Report
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How to Display Template Notes in a Dynamic Report

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Article summary

You can do the following to view any notes related to a template

  1. Open the Dynamic Report.

  2. Click the contextual menu icon.

  3. Select Show Notes. You can also select Hide Notes to hide them from display.


Once you click Show Notes, a Notes column will appear on the report, and notes will be displayed for each line in the report. Notes are always vertically bottom-aligned like the other cells in the report.

The following are some important points to remember while accessing the notes:

  • A date/time stamp with a user name is added to the beginning of each note. The date/time stamp format is applied based on user location and language settings. The maximum number of characters displayed in the notes field is 1024, which includes that username and date/time stamp.
  • Notes are aggregated and displayed when coming from several sources. For example, notes sourced from multiple templates for the account and scenario combination. Consolidation happens for multiple scenarios, companies, departments, and so on for the page or column axis for leaf members in the hierarchy.
  • When running a Dynamic Report in a Report Collection or Financial Package Publisher, notes are retained. Notes are also retained when the Dynamic Report is sent in an email or exported and when you save a snapshot of a Dynamic Report.
    Running a Dynamic Report with notes may impact performance.
  • Notes are not time-bound. For example, if a scenario’s duration is Jan 17 to Jan 19, but the time selected in the report is Dec 16, notes are still displayed for these lines even though data does not exist on those scenarios for Dec 16.
  • If you suppress empty rows/columns, corresponding notes are also suppressed. Similarly, if the report line has no data, notes are also not displayed for those lines.
Notes are supported only for Financial and Financial Snapshot Reporting Areas.

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