Report Folder
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Report Folder

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Article summary


You can use a Folder in the Reports section to store artifacts like Dynamic reports, Report sets, or any document. You can create a folder hierarchy based on your requirements, create multiple folders, and store your artifacts.

Create a Folder

Perform the following steps to create a new folder in the Reports section:

  1. Navigate to Reports from the planful application home page.
  2. From the top menu, click the New icon, and select Folder. The Add Folder window is displayed.
  3. Enter a unique Folder Code and Name in the respective fields.
  4. From the pane below the Location field, select the required location. The new folder you create will be added to the selected location in the hierarchy.
  5. Click OK to add the new folder.


Reporting Administrator and a user with Full or Edit Control access can add a folder to the File Cabinet page.

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