Point of View
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Point of View

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Article summary


Point of View (POV) is a setting for each dimension that controls data displayed in a report. It is a user-specific method of modifying the page level settings to desired dimension members.

The modification may be to narrow or widen the scope of the page level settings. POV is for Financial Reports, Dynamic Reports, Report Collections, and Financial Package Publisher. 

Apply POV to a Report in the File Cabinet
  1. Click More > Apply POV for a selected report in the File Cabinet.
  1. Run the report. POV selections are applied at runtime.
  1. POV will be reflected for page level dimensions in the report.
How to Set Up POV
  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Reports > Point of View. Select the reporting area.
  1. Click the Search button to select dimension members for each dimension listed.
  1. Click Save.
Available POV scenarios are based on whether the Copy Scenario Security to Report Security option is selected on the Dimension Security Configuration page.

In Practice

Let's say you have a report with dimensions used in the header and footer section of the report. Then, you apply POV to those dimensions. This results in POV member selections displayed in the header and footer sections of the Dynamic Report. If you apply POV on a dimension member selection for a page axis in the layout area, the original dimensions will still be displayed, but the report will run with the POV selections.

Use Case

Let's say Company and Location dimensions are used on the page axis for a Balance Sheet report. User X applies POV for the Balance Sheet report. Originally in the Dynamic Report Member Selections, Canada is selected for the Company dimension and Alberta for the Location. However, user X selects British Columbia for Location. When user X runs Balance Sheet, POV is applied resulting in output for Canada and British Columbia. However, if the same report is run by user Y (who does not have POV applied), the result is output for Canada and Alberta.

The table below provides the order of priority applied for member selections on page dimensions in different reporting artifacts when executed. For example, POV > Dynamic Report means the system will apply user POV selections (if POV is applied on the report and if member selections exist in the POV) for the specific page dimension. If POV is not applied or POV selections don’t exist on the page dimension, then the system applies the member selections made in the Dynamic Report Member Selector interface.

Page Dimension with selections

Page Dimension without selections

Reporting Artifact

With POV

Without POV

With POV

Without POV

Dynamic Report

POV>Dynamic Report

Dynamic Report selections

POV>Default members

Default members

Financial Package Publisher

POV>Financial Package Selections> Dynamic Report Selections

Financial Package selections>Dynamic Report selections

POV>Financial Package selections>Default members

Financial Package selections>Default members

Templates (if Dynamic Report is run from the Planning Control Panel)

Entity combination>Control panel selections >Dynamic Report selections


POV Is not applicable

Entity combination>Control panel selections >Dynamic Report selections

Entity combination>Control panel selections>Default members


POV Is not applicable

Entity combination>Control panel selections>Default members

Report Collection

Bursting selections> Report Collection selections>POV> Dynamic Report selections

Bursting selections> Report Collection selections> Dynamic Report selections

Bursting selections> Report Collection selections>POV> Default members

Bursting selections> Report Collection selections> Default members


Dimension not used in report

Page Dimensions with Pick List applied

Reporting Artifact

With POV

Without POV

With POV

Without POV

Dynamic Report

POV>Default members

Default members

Pick List selections>POV>Dynamic Report selections >Default members

Pick List selections>Dynamic Report Selections >Default members

Financial Package Publisher

POV>Default members

Default members

POV>Financial Package selections>Dynamic Report selections>Default members

Financial Package selections>Dynamic Report selections >Default members

Templates (if Dynamic Report is run from the Planning Control Panel)

Entity combination>Default members


POV Is not applicable

Entity combination>Default members

Pick List selections (as selected from Templates interface)>Entity combination>Control panel selections >Dynamic Report selections >Default members


POV Is not applicable

Pick List selections>Entity combination>Control panel selections >Dynamic Report selections >Default members

Report Collection

Bursting selections> >POV> Default members

Bursting selections> > Default members

Bursting selections> Report Collection selections>POV> Dynamic Report selections>Default members

Bursting selections> Report Collection selections> Dynamic Report selections>Default members

What to do if the Report Total Errors When POV is Applied or Removed

If a report uses the Sum function to display the totals and then POV is applied to the Report, the Sum function in this POV applied report will not display correctly and will instead display a red exclamation mark and the message, "Data cannot be displayed as the member(s) used in the formula do not exist in the report". This happens as the Sum function tries to calculate the total based on the rows in the original report and as there will be some missing rows, it fails. This will also happen in case any other function like Average or Count is used within the report by using the Edit Formula option

So, if the report is returned to its original state by applying or removing POV, then the functions will calculate correctly. In case it is required that the functions correctly calculate in the POV applied report, then the workaround is to click the Edit Formula option from any cell which displays the red exclamation mark and the row selection needs to be made again before clicking OK.

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