Set Up Categories
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Set Up Categories

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Article summary

Set up Categories, which is where you specify expense and revenue accounts. These categories will be mapped to expense and revenue sub-templates during template set up. Some examples of categories are provided below.

In this example, the category is called Revenue and sales accounts are mapped


In this example, the category is called OpEx and it includes all operating expense accounts for an entity


To set up Categories:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Templates.

  2. Click Line Item Category.

  3. Click Add.

  4. On the Add Line Item Category page enter a code and name to identify the category.

  5. Now, map accounts you want included in your budget. To do so, select the account in the Unmapped Accounts pane and click the forward arrow. The accounts will move to the Mapped Accounts pane.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Continue to set up as many categories as needed.

Once Categories are set up, you'll perform template set up.

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