Zoom Out
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Zoom Out

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Article summary

Zoom Out helps you reach the next highest level within a dimension hierarchy. For example, if you are currently in the "City" level within a geography dimension hierarchy, zooming out will take you to the "State" level.

Zoom Out - Parent

When you select Parent, it helps you to view the highest level parent member of the selected dimension.

In Practice: Zoom Out- Parent

  1. Select a dimension member and navigate to Zoom Out > Parent
  2. When Parent is selected, only the next highest-level parent is displayed.

Before Zoom Out, ParentPicture2(5)

After Zoom Out, ParentPicture3(6)

In the above scenario, we have selected Operating Margin as a dimension member; hence selecting Zoom Out- Parent displays Account and Net Income as a Parent member. 

Zoom Out - Top Level

When you select Top Level, it helps you to go back to the root member of the selected dimension. 

In Practice: Zoom Out- Top Level

  1. Select a dimension member and navigate to Zoom Out > Top Level.
  2. When Top Level is selected, the view changes to go back to the Top Level (the top or root of the dimension or the topmost member in the dimension you have access to).

Before Zoom Out, Top LevelPicture5(5)

After Zoom Out, Top Level Picture6(4)

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