Exploring the All Tasks Page
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Exploring the All Tasks Page

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Article summary

As mentioned above, the All Tasks page provides a list of all tasks assigned to you or created by you (meaning that you are the task owner).

Task column

Click the Task up or down arrow (shown below) to sort tasks in ascending or descending order. Tasks will sort numerically and then alphabetically.

Task Location column

Click the link to navigate directly to anywhere in the application for quick access to application areas. The navigation link is provided when an Ad-hoc task is added.

The link to navigate to the artifact location is created automatically for a Process Task.

Action column

Provides quick access to the actions associated with a task.

Status column

The Status column provides information on whether the task is Not Started, In Progress, or Completed. When tasks are added, they are defaulted to a Not Started state.

If you change a task from Not Started to In Progress, it will be added to the In Progress tab. Similarity, if you move a task from In Progress to Completed, it will be added to the Completed tab.

Assignee column

Hover over each bubble for the full owner name. If there are beyond 3 owners, a bubble with the additional number of owners is shown. In the example above, there are 4 owners. Click the bubble to view the task details with owner information.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Due Date column

Provides the due date assigned to the task when it was added. Overdue tasks have a due date that appears in a red font.

Task lineage and Delete task icons

This is applicable only for Ad-hoc tasks.

Task lineage provides quick access at the task level to see subtask (connected to the main Task) in hierarchy form.

Task owners can delete tasks. Click the trash can to delete a task.

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