How to Unlock Multiple Periods in the Consolidation Process?
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How to Unlock Multiple Periods in the Consolidation Process?

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Article summary

Locked periods are non-editable. To unlock multiple periods in the Consolidation Process, select the desired period and use the Unlock functionality to complete the process. 

To unlock multiple periods in the Consolidation Process, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Consolidation > Consolidation Control Panel 
  2. Select the required Scenario, Period, and Entity.
    senario period entity
  3. Select a locked period from the Consolidation Process pane and click Unlock from the Entry Actions pane. To unlock a period where future periods are locked, you need to first unlock all the future periods.
  4. Select the required period from the calendar icon in From and click Unlock. 
    unlock periods
    You can also unlock multiple periods of other entities. Perform the below steps to do so:

    1. Expand the Entity dropdown and select checkboxes next to entities to select multiple entities.
    2. Click Apply.
      unlock multiple
    3. Click Unlock. If a rollup is unlocked, all its child entities (if any) are also unlocked.
      unlock 2

The selected periods of the entity (North America) are unlocked, and since the child entity is unlocked, the parent entity's (Consolidated Company) status is also changed to Modified.

parent child

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