Understanding Mapping Options on the Template List Page
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Understanding Mapping Options on the Template List Page

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Article summary

This option is where you can map a template to scenario and budget entities, or global fields to templates.

Entity Mapping

You must first complete the budget entity setup before attempting to map the template to the Budget Entities. This step is crucial for aligning your planning model with your defined organizational structure.

To map a template to the budget entity, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Templates > Template Setup.
  2. Select the Scenario.
  3. Select the template and click the Mappings drop-down.
  4. Select Entity Mapping and the Entity Mapping page appears.

  5. Select the entities you want to map the template to in the left pane, click the forward arrow, and the entity will display in the right pane called Mapped Entities.

  6. Click Save.

The best practice is to map to Budget Entities from the default scenario so the logic will be copied anytime the template is mapped from default to a new scenario.

Template Mapping

Using this option, you can map the template to a scenario. This option appears in the Mappings drop-down only when you select a scenario other than the default. You can create many scenarios, but you wouldn't want to create the same templates for each scenario. Instead, you create templates in the Default Scenario and then, map the templates from the Default scenario to as many scenarios as you like. 

To add templates to other scenarios, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Template List page (Maintenance > Templates > Template Setup).
  2. Select the desired Scenario from the drop-down list to which you want to map templates (Default Scenario is initially selected).
    Scenarios must be forwarded to make them available for template mapping.

    Once you select a Scenario, templates mapped to the scenario are displayed.
  3. Click the Mappings list box and select Template Mapping. The templates attached to the Default scenario are listed.  
  4. Choose the template(s) you want to map to the current scenario.
    The Template Mapping page does not list the templates already mapped to the scenario.
  5. Click Save.

Global Field Mapping

Global fields are reusable data fields or variables that can be defined once and then applied across multiple planning templates, within the platform. These fields ensure consistency in data entry and reporting by standardizing the input options available to users. Global fields are used to streamline data management, ensure consistency, and make the planning process more efficient and scalable across the organization.

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Templates > Template Setup.

  2. Select the scenario you mapped the global field to.
  3. Select the template you want to map the global field to.
  4. Click Mappings > Global Field Mapping.  The Enable Global Fields checkbox in the Add Template > General Information tab must be checked when the template is added. The Map Global Fields page is displayed.

  5. Select the global field in the Unmapped Global Field pane and click the forward arrow to map it.

  6. Click Save.

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