Understanding Data Seeding
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Understanding Data Seeding

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What is Data Seeding?

The term "data seeding" refers to the concept of using the Planful templates and any data you load to the system to feed data while a new Budget, Forecast or Plan scenario. 

Users may need to transfer data from existing scenarios to new scenarios rather than generate new scenarios from scratch. In such cases, Data seeding allows you to quickly populate a new budget or forecast (target) scenario with data from another (source) scenario. 

Data seeding can be done based on the setup you perform on the Scenario Setup page. You control data seeding based on your business needs and the selections you make. 

Planful offers the following capabilities for seeding: 

  • Seeding of data from any other scenario (including Actual). 
  • Seeding of templates, notes, and template sub-lines from another scenario. 
  • Seeding of overlapping periods and mismatched template structures.

A scenario can have many template types. The seed behavior varies based on the template type you are seeding from (source).

How to create a new seed scenario

  1. Access the Scenario Add page by navigating to Maintenance > Administration > Scenario Setup. 
  2. Click the Add button. 
  3. Select the reference scenario in the data seeding page, from which you can copy the templates, notes, sublines, or dynamic journals.

Seeding Options on the Add Scenario Page - Data Seeding

In the Data Seeding page, click the Enable Data Seeding checkbox to select more options for seeding. Now you will be able to see two more labels such as Reference Scenario and Seed Data From.
Two new labels(1)

Reference Scenario

Using the Reference Scenario, you can copy templates, notes, sublines or dynamic journals (by clicking the checkbox(es)) to the target from the scenario selected in the Scenario drop-down list. 

Click the Templates checkbox to view or select Notes, Sublines or Dynamic Journals.

In the below example, Templates and Notes are copied from the 2023 Forecast Scenario.
Reference scenario - templates, notes(1)

Seed Data From

The Data can be seeded from source to target using any of the following three options based on the business need. 

  1. Reference scenario 
  2. Varying Scenario and Period Selection 
  3. Reference Scenario with Overlapping Periods
    Reference scenario list

1. Reference scenario

This option helps to copy data from source to target. The source data might have both open and closed periods. When you have data for closed periods, you can choose whether to include it or not in the target scenario.
When the target scenario has less period compared to source scenario, with the help of Copy Actual Data from Closed Periods checkbox data will be copied to target scenario open periods.

  • If you click the Copy Actual Data from Closed Periodscheckbox, this will ensure that the closed period data is also copied to the target scenario. 
    • For instance, let's say you want to seed data from 2022 Forecast (source scenario) to Budget 2023 (target scenario). The 2022 Forecast scenario may have 24 months of data, including 3 closed periods and 21 open periods. In the checkbox-enabled case, 3 months of closed period data and 21 months of open period data from the 2022 Forecast will be copied to Budget 2023.
      Copy Actual Data from Closed Periods - checked
  • If you leave the Copy Actual Data from Closed Periods checkbox unchecked, this will help you to copy only the open period data. 
    • For instance, let's say you want to seed data from Forecast 2022 (source scenario) to Budget 2023 (target scenario). The Forecast 2022 scenario may have 24 months of data, including 3 closed periods and 21 open periods. In the checkbox disabled case, only 21 months of open period data from Forecast 2022 will be copied to Budget 2023.
      Copy Actual Data from Closed Periods - Unchecked

How line and template type for these selections are seeded?

Line types for these seeding selections are seeded as follows: 

  • Lines with Account Mapping - Seeds from Reference Scenario selection. 
  • Lines without Account Mapping - Seeds from Reference Scenario selection for open, closed and history periods. 
  • Calculated Lines with Account Mapping - Formula and result seed from Reference Scenario selection for open periods. For closed periods and history lines in Forecast scenarios, data seeds directly from the Destination Account associated with the template line versus the Seed From Scenario. For example, if you have a calculated line linked to a destination account, the destination account details will seed versus the formula. 
  • Calculated Lines without Account Mapping - Formula and result seed from Reference Scenario scenario selection for open, closed and history periods. 
  • Global Fields - Seeds from Reference Scenario selection. 
  • Spreads - Spread value and code seeds from Reference Scenario selection. 
  • Other History Periods - Seeds based on History Reference scenario mapping by period. 
  • Run Simulation Engine? - No

Template types and related lines for these seeding selections are seeded as follows: 

  • Capital Templates/Capital Template Type Lines - For Capital templates, data and formulas entered in budget periods is seeded to closed periods for a Forecast scenario. Global fields, spreads, and sublines are not applicable for Capital template types. Justifications and notes seeded from the Reference scenario. The template structure is seeded from the Reference scenario with associated assets and asset attributes (such as purchase month, depreciation start month, units, rate, amount, etc.), which will seed as budgeted in the source scenario. Calculated line formulas will be seeded as part of the template structure. 
  • Initiative Templates/Initiative Template Type Lines- Seeded from the Reference scenario. Global fields, spreads, and sublines are not applicable for Initiative template types. 
      • Initiative Assets - Seeded from Reference scenario. 
      • Initiative Expense Line Item Categories - Seeded from Reference scenario. 
      • Initiative Revenue Line Item Categories - Seeded from Reference scenario. 
      • Initiative Approval Workflow History - Seeded from Reference scenario.
      • Initiative Approval Workflow - Seeded from Reference scenario. 
      • User -Define Initiative Attributes - Seeded from Reference scenario. 
  • HR Template/HR Template Type Lines- All data seeded for all matching periods. Global fields, spreads, and sublines are applicable for template based HR types in the compensation tabs. 
      • Compensation Data - Data and structure seeded from Reference scenario. 
      • Employee and Employee Type Details - Employee and employee type detail seeded from the Reference scenario.
      • Lines with Account Mapping - History and Closed periods data will be seeded based on destination account mapping. Budget periods data will be seeded from the Reference scenario.
      • Lines without Account Mapping - Data will be seeded from the Reference scenario for History, Closed and Budget periods. 
      • Calculated Lines with Account Mapping - History, and Closed periods data will be seeded based on destination account mapping. Budget periods data will be seeded from template setup. 
      • Calculated Lines without Account Mapping - Data will be seeded from the template setup.

2. Varying Scenario and Period Selection

Also known as Change by Period method. Sometimes you might need to copy data from multiple scenarios and different periods to the target scenario. This method helps you to copy the data from different Source Scenarios and Period to target scenario. 

Here is an example of data copied from different Source scenario to target.

Varying scenario and period selection

How line and template type for these selections are seeded?

Line types for these seeding selections are seeded as follows:

  • Lines with Account Mapping - Seeds data from the mapped period (for the scenario periods).
  • Lines without Account Mapping - Seeds from Reference Scenario selected. For closed periods and history lines, Actual data is seeded
  • Calculated Lines with Account Mapping - Formula and result seed from the Reference Scenario selection. For closed periods and history lines in Forecast scenarios, data seeds directly from the Destination Account associated with the template line versus the Seed From Scenario. For example, if you have a calculated line linked to a destination account, the destination account details will seed versus the formula.
  • Calculated Lines without Account Mapping - Formula and result seed from the Reference Scenario. For closed periods and history lines, Actual data is seeded.
  • Global Fields - Seeds from Reference Scenario selection.
  • Spreads - No Spread code or value seeded when the account mapping is defined.
  • Other History Periods - Seeds based on History Reference scenario mapping by period.
  • Run Simulation Engine? - Yes

Template types and related lines for these seeding selections are seeded as follows:

  • Capital Templates / Capital Template Type Lines - For Capital templates, data and formulas entered in budget periods is seeded to closed periods for a Forecast scenario. Global fields, spreads, and sublines are not applicable for Capital template types. Varying Scenario and Period Selections data seeding is not applicable for Capital templates. So no data seed happens by period. ONLY the template structure will seed from the Reference scenario to the target scenario.
  • Initiative Templates/Initiative Template Type Lines- Varying Scenario and Period Selections data seeding is not applicable for Initiative templates. So, no data seed happens by period. ONLY the template structure will seed from the Reference scenario to the target scenario.
      • Initiative Assets - Template structure seeded only. Initiative assets not seeded.
      • Initiative Expense Line Item Categories - Template structure seeded only. Initiative expense line item categories not seeded.
      • Initiative Revenue Line Item Categories - Template structure seeded only. Initiative revenue line item categories not seeded.
      • Initiative Approval Workflow History - Template structure seeded only. Initiative approval workflow history not seeded.
      • Initiative Approval Workflow - Template structure seeded only. Initiative approval workflow not seeded.
      • User -Define Initiative Attributes - Template structure seeded only. Initiative user-defined attributes not seeded.

3. Reference Scenario with Overlapping Periods

When the template structure does not match or there are overlapping periods, the application automatically adjusts template structure and formulas so that the structure of the year in the source scenario matches the structure in the target (new) scenario. 


For example, let’s say you have a scenario called Forecast 2022. Forecast 2022 starts in 2022 and ends in the year 2024.

Now, you want to create a new scenario called Forecast 2023, which starts in the year 2023 and ends in 2025. You want to seed the data and the template structure from Forecast 2022 to Forecast 2023. Data from the Forecast 2022 scenario, year 2023 seeds to year 2023(target scenario), year 2024 seeds to year 2024(target scenario).

And, last month of the year 2024 (Dec) seeds to all the months of the year 2025 for Forecast 2023.
Overlapping table

Seed all from Reference Scenario

Also known as Mirror copy scenario. In this concept, data will be seeded from the source scenario to the target scenario. Source scenarios in seed data from the section will be filtered based on the target scenario fiscal year. 

How to select a source scenario

  • Go to General Information and add the target Scenario details including the Fiscal year.
  • Now go to Data Seeding tab and click both the Enable Data Seeding and Seed all from Reference Scenario checkboxes.
  • Select the source scenario from the Scenario dropdown and click Save.
 In this seeding, if you are creating a seed budget scenario by selecting a forecast scenario as source, then Closed period data will not be copied to the target scenario.

Seed all from Reference ScenarioLine types for these seeding selections are seeded as follows:

  • Lines with Account Mapping - Seeds from Seed Data From selection.
  • Lines without Account Mapping - Seeds from Seed Data From selection for open, closed and history periods.
  • Calculated Lines with Account Mapping - Formula and result seed from Seed Data From selection for open periods. For closed periods and history lines in Forecast scenarios, data seeds directly from the Destination Account associated with the template line versus the Seed Data From scenario. For example, if you have a calculated line linked to a destination account, the destination account details will seed versus the formula. Let's say you have a Calculated (CALC or C) line in an Operating Expense template you are seeding data from. Calculated lines have a calculation formula defined for the row. Calculated lines with a mapping have a Destination Account linked. When seeded, the formula and result of the calculation seed from the Seed Data From scenario (selected on the Scenario Add page) for open periods. For closed periods and history lines in Forecast scenarios, the result of the account mapping completed during template setup is seeded. If no account mapping, Actual data is seeded.
  • Calculated Lines without Account Mapping - Formula and result seed from Seed Data From scenario selection for open, closed and history periods.
  • Global Fields - Seeds from Seed Data From selection.
  • Spreads - Spread value and code seeds from Seed Data From selection.
  • Other History Periods - Seeds based on History Reference scenario mapping by period.
  • Run Simulation Engine? - No

Template types and related lines for these seeding selections are seeded as follows:

  • Capital Templates/Capital Template Type Lines- For Capital templates, data and formulas entered in budget periods is seeded to closed periods for a Forecast scenario. Global fields, spreads, and sublines are not applicable for Capital template types. All data seeded for all matching periods. Justifications and notes seeded from the Seed Data Fromscenario. The template structure is seeded along with all assets and associated asset details (i.e. data for capital expenditure accounts). Calculated line formulas will be seeded as part of the template structure.
      • Initiative Templates/Initiative Template Type Lines - All data seeded for all matching periods. Global fields, spreads, and sublines are not applicable for Initiative template types.
      • Initiative Assets - Seeds from Seed Data From selection.
      • Initiative Expense Line Item Categories - Seeds from Seed Data From selection.
      • Initiative Revenue Line Item Categories - Seeds from Seed Data From selection.
      • Initiative Approval Workflow History - Seeds from Seed Data From selection.
      • Initiative Approval Workflow - Seeds from Seed Data From selection.
      • User -Define Initiative Attributes - Seeds from Seed Data From selection.
  • HR Template/HR Template Type Lines- All data seeded for all matching periods. Global fields, spreads, and sublines are applicable for template based HR types in the compensation tabs.
      • Compensation Data - Data and structure seeded from Seed Data From scenario.
      • Employee and Employee Type Details - Seeded from Seed Data From scenario.
      • Lines with Account Mapping - Seeded from Seed Data From scenario.
      • Lines without Account Mapping - Seeded from Seed Data From scenario.
      • Calculated Lines with Account Mapping - Seeded from Seed Data From scenario.
      • Calculated Lines without Account Mapping - Seeded from Seed Data From scenario.

Subline Seeding Functionality

We support seeding of subline data entered in the subline template. For example, enter data in a subline for Template ABC, Entity 1, and Forecast 2022 Scenario. Now, seed everything from Forecast 2022 to Forecast 2023. Run Simulation Engine. The subline data is copied over to Template ABC, Entity 1, Forecast 2023 Scenario.

Seeding of subline data can be done from any source scenario; reference or varying scenario and period selections, and also overlapping scenario.

You can tell if a subline is associated with a Line type line in a template because the L is highlighted in green


Sublines seed for all template types where sublines exist for all Seed Data From options no matter if they have account mappings or not, and closed or open periods.

Seeding Formulas

The Data Seeding logic ensures that the formulas are automatically adjusted. For example, when there is a formula in the first period of 2022, that same formula will reflect in the first period of 2023.

When data is manually entered in a template and then the related scenario is seeded, the data is copied to the appropriate target scenario template. For example, if a user entered 10 dollars in the first period of 2023, the same 10 dollars reflects in the seeded target scenario in the first period of 2023. The same holds true for currency exchange rates and Workforce Planning data. This logic is shown below.

Seeding formulas Source and budget

Simulation Engine must be executed on the templates seeded from the source to the target scenario so that the formulas and values are properly calculated. Optionally, you can just open and save each template, which works the same way.

Seeding of formulas can be done from any source scenario; Reference scenario, Varying Scenario and Period Selection, or Reference Scenario with Overlapping Periods.

Formulas seed from all template types where they exist based on account mapping. The formula is retained (not only the result of the formula) for open periods.

Best Practices for Seeding of Formulas

  • Execute/schedule a Simulation Engine process after the target scenario is saved (seeded) on the Add Scenario page.
  • Use simple formulas in templates versus complex. An example of a complex formula is to perform a Get (i.e. Get 2022 data + 10% ). An example of a simple formula is to compute the previous year same period + 10%.

Seeding Non-Template Data

The data seeding logic supports the seeding of data entered via other sources. For example, enter data via Data Load Rules or Journals and it will be seeded.

Data Load Rules


Seeding of non template data can be done from any of the following source scenarios

  • Reference scenario or 
  • Reference scenario with overlapping periods.
 Reference scenario with overlapping periods seeds template data as well.

Understanding Template Behavior When Seeded

The following table represents the template types where seeding is available and where you can seed templates and related data from the Reference scenario using the Varying Scenario and Period Selection approach.

Template TypeData Seed Approach

Varying Scenario and Period Selection

Reference Scenario
Workforce Planningn/a
Global Template Single Copy
Global Template Entity Copy*
Line Item
* The behavior of this seed is different when compared to the other template types and resembles a Varying Scenario and Period Selection seed.

To seed from Workforce Planning and Capital template types, you must remap them from the Default scenario to the new scenario. Keep in mind that only the template is seeded, not the associated data. For scenario seeding, Capital data can be seeded across the scenarios using the “Reference Scenario” functionality or by “Copying” the scenarios.

n/a means that Varying Scenario and Period Selection is not supported. For example, for the Capital module, if you do a data seed using the Varying Scenario and Period Selection option, the key driver is the account mapping. This means that the data at the asset level is not copied because assets have no mapping to the chart of accounts directly.

Seeding Time Sets When You Have Overlapping Periods

Seeding of data and the structure of templates with Time Sets of the same frequency (i.e. Quarterly, Yearly) when you have overlapping periods is supported. This functionality works for uniform Time Sets. For example, if a template has Time Sets as All Months, All Quarters or All Years then seeding will be allowed. Custom Time Sets (like - MM - QQ -YY or MM - QQ) will not be seeded.

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