1.6 Modeling Release Notes, February
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1.6 Modeling Release Notes, February

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Article summary

This document describes all the features and enhancements with this release of Spotlight/SpotlightXL, as well as known issues.

Features and Enhancements

Report Design Validation

Excel Formula Values in Views

Excluding POV Dimensions in Reports

Improved Performance for Multi-tab Reporting

Scaling Enhancement

Horizon URI* Important!You must update to the URI before the March '16 release. Once the March '16 release is applied, only the updated URI will work.

Known Issues

Report Design Validation

We’ve added a validation to prevent the loss of changes made to a report when navigating away from the Design Report screen. A validation (shown below) is displayed when you navigate from Report Design mode to Run mode.

Access Report Design mode by navigating to Report > Design or Analyze > Design Report.

Click Yes to continue to the Run Report page if you have already saved changes. Otherwise, click No to return to the Design report page and save changes.

The system does not recognize whether or not you’ve saved report changes before navigating away, so the validation will be displayed even if you’ve performed a save. Click ‘Yes’ to navigate away.

Excel Formula Values in Views

For a model view, the values that result from an Excel formula are now saved, although, the formula itself is not saved.

Select the Analyze task and the Data subtask. Select a model and a view. Add Excel formulas to the view and click Save Data. The result of the Excel formula is saved.

For instance, in the example below cell C4 is 10,000.

Now, an Excel formula is added to this cell as shown below.

Once saved, the resulting value is displayed, which is 22,000. The formula (=c4+c5) is not.

In order to save values that result from Excel formulas, View Properties (accessed by selecting the Analyze task and the Design View subtask and then clicking the Properties action) must have Enable Save set to Yes as shown below.

Excluding POV Dimensions in Reports

You can now select to exclude point of view (POV) dimensions in reports. For example, in a model if price is maintained at the region level (Region dimension) versus the product level (Product dimension), you have Product dimension as the POV in the report, and you want to exclude / override the Product member selected at run time then you can use this feature to do so.

Select Design Manager on the Report Design page and select the Exclude POV checkbox for Product. In this example (for the cells that you have selected) the Product dimension member selected in the POV will be excluded during run time.

Improved Performance for Multi-tab Reporting

When multiple reports were open in multiple sheets in an Excel workbook, performance was not optimal when navigating between sheets. We have improved the performance so that navigation is instantaneous.

Scaling Enhancement

The Scaling property in Report Design will now lock or unlock based on the Save on Model property. For example, on the Report Design page (below) for the A_CompanyReport2 report, the Millions scaling Amount Format is applied and then saved.

When you run the report, data is displayed according to the Millions Amount Format (scaling) applied as shown below.

When you apply a scaling property to a report that has Save on Model enabled, the cells are locked from input. In this case, the A_CompanyReport2 report has Save on Model enabled for the Budget Model so the cells will be locked to prevent input.

If Save on Model is not enabled, the report cells will unlocked to allow data input.

Horizon URI

The Horizon Uri property, which is used to connect to the Planning, Consolidation, or Reporting applications is changing. You must update the URI before the March '16 release. Once the March '16 release is applied, only the updated URI will work.

Access Application Settings by selecting Manage > Application Administration > Application Settings.

To access the Production Planning, Consolidation, or Reporting applications:

Existing Horizon Uri - https://cpmapi.hostanalytics.com

New Horizon Uri - https://cpm.hostanalytics.com

To access the Sandbox Planning, Consolidation, or Reporting applications:

Existing Horizon Uri - https://sbxapi.hostanalytics.com

New Horizon Uri - https://sandbox.hostanalytics.com/

Known and Resolved Issues

The following table lists known issues for this release.

Issue ID

Known Issues





Report Design


In Report Design, specify a dimension to be cascaded. Copy and paste the cascaded member/block in the same column. Select Save and Run The following is displayed 'Cannot find variable '@Cascade' in model...'. Select Refresh and the following is displayed 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'.

The cascaded member must be defined in the same line or above the cascaded block, otherwise the report will not run.



Report Design

Cell scaling and lock is not functioning as designed for Cascaded reports.





Report Design


Excel Accounting Number Format functionality can be applied to a report while in Report Design. Right not this functionality is not working properly.



Report Design

POV Default filter value is always code (versus label).



Report Design

Drill through value is always code (versus label).



Report Design

Exclude POV does not work properly when run for a cascaded report.

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