1.6.2 Modeling Release Notes, April
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1.6.2 Modeling Release Notes, April

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Article summary

This document describes all the features and enhancements with this release of Spotlight/SpotlightXL, as well as known issues.

Features and Enhancements

Multi-Tab Analysis

Recent and Favorites in Folder Structure for Views & Reports

Scheduler Manager

Audit Log

Double-Click Selection Support

Map Update

Known Issues

Multi-Tab Analysis

Multiple tabs for Views are now supported. This feature is similar to the multi-tab reporting feature where you can open each view in a new sheet in an Excel workbook as shown below.

To display multiple tabs for views:

  1. Navigate to Analyze Data and select a view from the folder structure.
  1. Add a new sheet and navigate to Analyze Data and select a view from the folder structure.
  1. Continue by adding sheets and selecting views for each sheet.
When you have multiple views open, select the Get Data for All Open Views option to refresh all data.
Only one view can be edited or updated at a time. We do not recommend more than 20 sheets/view open at once otherwise performance will be impacted.

Recent and Favorites in Folder Structure for Views & Reports

In addition to the folder structure enhancement released in March, we’ve added Favorites and Recent folders so that you can quickly access your favorite Views and Reports or recently accessed Views and Reports.

Favorites and Recent folders are user specific. The Recent folder displays 10 recently accessed Views / Reports by user across all Models. The Favorites folder displays 10 items. If you add more than 10 items, the most recent 10 are displayed.

Open the folder structure (as shown below) and scroll to the Favorites and Recent folders.

Recent Views and Reports is automatically updated based on the most recent Views and/or Reports accessed.

To add a View or Report to the Favorites folder select the Report or View in the folder structure and drag and drop it into the Favorites folder or right-click on the Report or View and select Add to Favorites. In the example below, the Data Review view is dragged from the November model to the Favorites folder.

You cannot add Default views to the Favorites folder.

To remove a View or Report from Favorites, right-click on the View or Report and select Remove from Favorites.

Scheduler Manager

Now, you can schedule a Calculation to run at specific time intervals. Once the Calculation is complete, notifications are sent to the selected user. To schedule Calculations, we’ve added an Action called Scheduler Manager and 3 spreadsheet fields; Schedule Pattern, Success Notification, and Failure Notification.

The Schedule Pattern field is populated based on the selections you make in Scheduler Manager. It reflects the frequency, time, and day pattern for which you want to run the Calculation.

The Success Notification and FailureNotification fields are also populated based on the users you select in Scheduler Manager.

To schedule a Calculation:

  1. Access the Model task and the Calculation subtask.

  2. Select the Model and Calculation you want to run.

  3. Click the Scheduler Manager action.

  4. Select the Frequency, time (At), and day(s) you want the process to run.

  5. Select the month/day/year interval.

  6. All Modeling users are listed. Select the users you want successful (Succeeds) and unsuccessful (Fails) process information sent to.

  7. Click Save.

You can send notifications to only those users added to Modeling.

In the example below, the Calculation will run daily at 5:58 p.m. beginning April 12th and ending April 30th.

Audit Log

We added audit log capabilities for some areas of the Modeling application and plan to expand this functionality to all areas of the application in coming releases.

Select the Manage task and the Application Administration, Audit Log subtask.

Select a user from the Username field to view all actions taken by that user or select All to view all actions performed for all users.

For Component, select the area of the product that you want to view.

Optionally, select an associatedModel. Only those models in which the user has access to are displayed. Or select All to display all actions the user took for all models.


  • All – All processes ran (like the Calculation regardless of whether they failed or succeeded.

  • Success – All successful processes ran.

  • Failure – All failed processes.

From Date - Starting date for which you want to view audit details. The date must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

To Date - Ending date for which you want to view audit details. The date must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

Total Records - This is a display field only. It shows the number of entries found.

Page Size - This is a display field only. It shows the number of entries shown on each page. The maximum page size is 1000.

An example is displayed below:

The Details column provides information on why the process was successful or unsuccessful.

Double-Click Selection Support

We now support the ability to double-click to select an item in the member selector. Instead of selecting an item and then clicking the Select button, double-click on the item and it is automatically displayed on the spreadsheet. For example, on the Analyze Data page when selecting dimension members from the member selector you can double-click to select the dimension member.

If the member that you select is a rollup member, the immediate children under that rollup member are displayed. If the member that you select is a leaf member, it will be selected.

Double-click is available in all the areas of the application where you select a dimension member from the member selector.

Map Update

This update addresses the moving of data between models with varying dimensions. When using Dimension Filter and Fixed Member filter types in the Map, if the dimension member specified in the source model exists in the target model, the data is moved from the source model to the target model. There will not be any change to the dimension in the target model. If the dimension member doesn’t exist in the target model, the dimension member referenced in the source model will be appended to the dimension in the target model.

Known Issues

The following table lists known issues for this release.

Issue ID


Analyze View

Zoom In doesn't function properly when switching back and forth between different views in multiple sheets.


Report Run/Design

The Refresh All Open Reports option does not work as designed in all cases.


Model Map

Dimension security for Designer user role is not applicable in Maps.


Model Dimension

Dimension security for Designer user roles is not applicable when viewing or updating dimension members (i.e. metadata).



Report Design


In Report Design, specify a dimension to be cascaded. Copy and paste the cascaded member/block in the same column. Select Save and Run The following is displayed 'Cannot find variable '@Cascade' in model...'. Select Refresh and the following is displayed 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'.

Important! The cascaded member must be defined in the same line or above the cascaded block, otherwise the report will not run.


Report Design

Cell scaling and lock is not functioning as designed for Cascaded reports.



Report Design


Excel Accounting Number Format functionality can be applied to a report while in Report Design. Right not this functionality is not working properly.


Report Design

POV Default filter value is always code (versus label).


Report Design

Drill through value is always code (versus label).


Report Design

Exclude POV does not work properly when run for a cascaded report.

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