Add an Initiative to the Initiative Template and Start Budgeting for that Initiative
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Add an Initiative to the Initiative Template and Start Budgeting for that Initiative

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Article summary

  1. On the Initiative template Input page accessed by clicking Input from the Planning Control Panel , click the Add button to add an initiative.

  2. Enter a code and name to identify the initiative.

  3. Complete all attribute fields, which vary based on your setup.

  4. Click Save. The initiative, called Cake Baking , is added as shown below.


  1. To bake the cake, you need to hire temporary employees to help. To log expenses for these employees against an account, select the initiative line and click Sub Template > Expenses.

  2. The sub template is empty because you need to load accounts associated with this template (mapped when you set up Categories). Click Accounts > Load Account. Notice the Expenses sub template below with the Temp Services account loaded.


  1. Enter expenses / cost for the temporary employees by month as shown below and then click Save.


  1. Click the back arrow to return to the Initiative Input page.

  2. Now that the cake is done baking, you sell the cake. To enter money made from the sale, select the Cake Baking initiative and click Sub Template > Revenues.

  3. Click Accounts > Load Account t o load accounts the revenue amounts entered on the sub template will post to. In this example, the Gross Sales account is selected for the Cake Baking initiative and MFG (manufacturing entity) as shown below.


  1. Enter revenue in the cells by month and click Save.

  2. Click the back arrow to return to the Initiative Input page.

  3. Notice the Revenues and Expenses columns are updated based on sub template input as shown below.


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