Transaction Details
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Transaction Details

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Setup a dimension structure to load transactions data (daily data). This is one method of extracting, transforming and loading data from your system to the Planful system. Alternatively, you can use the Data Load Rules functionality to load transactions data.
You can also load Transaction data using Translations. Information on how to do so is provided below.

Loading Transaction Data with Translations

To load transactions data using translations, follow the below three steps

  1. Create Translations DLR
  2. Setup Transaction Details 
  3. Create Transaction Data DLR to Load Data

Create Translations DLR

Create a Translations Data Load Rule (DLR) by defining data loading settings for translations, enabling you to load transaction data seamlessly.

If Translation data DLR is already created, skip to the Setup Transaction Details steps.
  1. Navigate to Maintenance > DLR > Data Load Rules.
  2. Click New Data Load Rule to define a new translation DLR.
  3. Enter Name and Description.
  4. Select a Load Type from the drop-down list.
  5. For Load Item, select Data from the drop-down list.
  6. For Load Sub Item, select Translations Data from the drop-down list.

Complete all the required fields on the remaining Data Load Rules steps to create a Translation DLR. Refer to Creating New Data Load Rules for detailed instructions.

Setup Transaction Details

Configure transaction details for your data source, either with translations or using the CCOA.

To set the transaction details with translations, follow the steps below

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > DLR > Transaction Details.
  2. Select Amount Columns from the drop-down list.
  3. For Source Data, select On Source Segments (with translations).
  4. Select a Translation Data Load DLR created from the drop-down list for the Transactions Data Load.
  5. All the translated columns will be shown after the segment columns, including date columns, attributes, and amount columns. Click the plus (+) icon to add more attributes. Select any row and use the options on the right to move the position up or down.
  6. Click Save.

To set the transaction details with CCOA (GL data), follow the steps below

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > DLR > Transaction Details.
  2. Select Amount Columns from the drop-down list.
  3. For Source Data, select CCOA.
  4. All the translated columns will be shown after the segment columns, including date columns, attributes, and amount columns. Click the plus (+) icon to add more attributes. Select any row and use the options on the right to move the position up or down.
  5. Click Save.

Create Transaction Data DLR to Load Data

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > DLR > Data Load Rules.

    New Data Load Rule
  2. Click the New Data Load Rule to create a new transaction data DLR.
  3. Enter Name and Description.
  4. Select a Load Type from the drop-down list.
  5. For Load Item, select Data from the drop-down list.
  6. For Load Sub Item, select Transaction Data V2 from the drop-down list.
    The Transaction Data Version 2 provides fast and more efficient processing of the Data Load Rule. You cannot rollback to Transactions Data (V1) once you use Transaction Data V2.

    Select Sample Input File
  7. Select file requirements or the structure of the data you are loading.

    Define Overall Rule Settings
  8. Include in Data File - Select Yes if a dimension is not defined within the data file, or select No if you do not want the listed parameters in the data file.
  9. Include in Clear Data - Select segments/attributes for which you want to clear or retain data.
    Source Data - Translations
    Source Data - CCOA

    Manipulate Input File
  10. Manipulate the file or format of the data you are loading. The top pane displays the raw data, and the bottom pane displays the manipulated data.

    Define Data Mappings
  11. Map source data columns (Source Column) to target segments (Maps To). This mapping tells the system where and how your data will display in the columns once the load occurs.
  12. Load Data is the final step in the Load data process. Once the Data File is chosen, click Finish.
    For more information, refer to Creating New Data Load Rules.

Asian Characters in Transaction Data Loads

You can load Transaction data with Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Malay characters using a Translation or GL Data Data Load Rule. Once loaded, you can view the data in the Dynamic Report Transaction Report by drilling through to transactional data.

You must contact Planful Support to enable this feature. Once enabled by Support, complete the steps below.

If you try to run Data Load Rules to load Asian characters prior to carrying out the steps below, the Asian characters will display as question marks.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Contact the Planful Support team to enable this feature.

  2. Access the Transaction Details Setup page by navigating to Maintenance > DLR > Transaction Details.

  3. If the User defined attributes are not present in the existing Transaction Details Setup, you must add them using the ‘+’ icon before saving the Transaction Details Setup. Please note that as per the existing behavior, if any changes are made to the Transaction Details Setup screen before saving, then the earlier Transactions loaded are lost.

  4. Asian characters can be loaded to user defined attribute columns only. You cannot load data with Asian characters to segment members. To add a new user defined attribute, click the add ‘+’ icon and select Text for Attribute Data Type. Select URL to enter a web hyperlink .

  5. For Attribute Length, enter up to a maximum of 4000 characters.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Access the Data Load Rule and load Transaction Data for the GL Data/Translations Data that has been loaded. If using the File Load type, ensure that when the Excel load file is saved, the Save As format option is either CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv) or Unicode Text (*.txt).

  8. Create a Dynamic Report to view the Transaction Report. To view transactional data with Asian characters, double-click, and the Transaction Report displays.

  9. If you are an existing customer and require a migration of the existing Transaction data, then the transaction data needs to be reloaded.
    Make sure you enable Drill Through to Transactions for the Dynamic Report. To do so, click Format and select Transactions.

Translation Data Load

To load transaction data with Asian characters using translations, set up a Translations data load rule. For information on how to do so, see the Transaction Details: Loading Transaction Data with Translations topic in this guide.

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