Creating a Data Load Rule to Load Data Resulting from the NetSuite Saved Search
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Creating a Data Load Rule to Load Data Resulting from the NetSuite Saved Search

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Article summary

Now that configuration is complete, create a Data Load Rule (DLR) to load NetSuite Data via the Saved Search. Follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > DLR > Data Load Rules.

  2. Click the New Data Load Rule tab.

  3. Enter a name for the DLR.

  4. For Load Type, select NetSuite Connect as shown below.


  5. Select to load Segment Hierarchies, Currency Exchange Rates , GL Data, Translations Data or Transaction Data. These are the only supported load type items at this time.

  6. For Connection Profile, select the name of the profile configured above. In this case it was called NS User.

  7. Select a Load Sub Item and click Next.

  8. Row with Header and # of Rows to Skip are read-only. Specify the # of Source Fields with the number of columns to be mapped in the Define Data Mappings step from the NetSuite Saved Search.


  9. Enter the Saved Search ID or alternatively use the browse icon to select the NetSuite Saved Search in the ‘Select Sample Input File’ step.


  10. For the Manipulate Input File step, you can perform data manipulations, which allow you to change the way data is loaded from your source solution to Planful (the target). You can perform the following actions:

    • Add new column

    • Duplicate existing column

    • Edit Headers Name

    • Join Data

    • Split Data

    • Replace

    • Show Column Header

    • Manage Manipulations

      The Data Manipulations functionality is enabled only for the RESTlet mode and not applicable for the Web Services mode.

You can manipulate the data displayed in the Raw Data pane The manipulated data is displayed in the Manipulated Data pane.


  • For the Define Data Mappings step, map the Saved Search Source Column to the column in Planful using the Maps To column. In the screenshot below, the GL Data or Transactions Data Load shows you where you can filter the data to be loaded at the segment level using a Filter Condition of ‘Include /Exclude ’ and segment codes as Filter Values with comma separated.

    The NetSuite columns are displayed under the Source Column field in the Define Data Mappings page. The number of source columns is based on the value of # of Source fields in the Select Sample Input File step.


    Level-based data load is enabled for the NetSuite Connect DLR in the Define Overall Rule Settings step. Also, the YTD (Year-to-Date) and Account Based options are enabled in the Data Type drop-down list for NetSuite Connect DLR.

Workaround for Existing DLR

The Data Manipulations functionality is applicable only to the NetSuite Connect DLR’s that are created after June 2019 Release and in the RESTlet mode.

This workaround is not applicable for the Web Service mode DLR’s.

For customers using the RESTlet mode prior to June 2019 Release or for customers who migrated to RESTlet mode from the Web Services mode, the workaround steps to enable the Data Manipulations functionality are as follows:

  1. From the Load Type drop-down list, select any load type other than NetSuite Connect. For more information, see the Data Integration Admin Guide.

  2. From the Load Type drop-down list, select NetSuite Connect.

When you navigate to the Manipulate Input File page, you can view the raw data and can perform the required Data Manipulations.

When you navigate to the Define Data Mappings page, you can view columns from NetSuite under the Source Column field.

When you copy a NetSuite DLR created prior to June 2019, the Data Manipulations functionality is enabled for the copied DLR only after you perform the workaround steps.
When you select any value other than NetSuite Connect in the Load Type drop-down list, all the configurations will be reset and you should set up the DLR again.

Best Practices

  • Navigate to the Manipulate Input File step prior to the Define Data Mappings step to fetch the latest column header information and to preview the saved search data.

  • When the Process Flow is running, you should not navigate to the Manipulate Input File page of the DLR used in the Process flow.

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