Description of Fields on the Add Compensation Item Page
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Description of Fields on the Add Compensation Item Page

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Article summary

Fields are available or disabled based on selections.

Code - Enter a compensation item code. This unique identifier will be used constantly to identify compensation items.

Name - Enter a name that is descriptive and easy to identify.

Compensation Group - Select a group to associate the compensation item to. Compensation Groups are setup using the Compensation Groups page and are used to categorize compensation items for reporting purposes.

Account - Select a leaf level account member, which stores all results.

When loading Workforce Budget data to Planful, link each compensation item with a relevant natural account in the General Ledger to synchronize data between the Workforce Budgeting module and Operational Budgeting.

Compensation Basis - See Compensation Basis Examples and Description of Fields below.

Statistical Compensation - Enables the Aggregate Formula field to select the formula to associate with the statistical compensation item used for headcount purposes.

Apply Pay Plan - Allows budget users to modify the spread by compensation item.

Set as Global Constant - Prevents budget users from modifying a rate.

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