Description of Fields on the Verify Data Page
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Description of Fields on the Verify Data Page

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Article summary


Once you’ve selected dimension parameters, click to display all records.

Selection Criteria

View the grid only. Click again to view the dimensions, hierarchy and grid.


Select Code, Name or Label associated with the dimension parameters. Selecting Label displays the code and the name.


Select the Scenario associated with the data loaded.


  • The dimensions associated with the selected scenario. Select the relevant member from the hierarchy. If sourcing data from Actuals, select a member from the Time dimension.

  • You can view a tree hierarchy with dimension members.

  • You can remove selected dimensions


Select the entire hierarchy by clicking the checkbox located next to the structure. Expand and collapse the tree structure or perform a search for a specific members to associate with the dimension. You can select multiple members to associate.

  Click Execute to enable the fields below.


Configure 0 to 6 decimal places for selected cells. The default is set to 2 decimal places.

Grid Actions

Select to turn the grid lines off or on.

Freeze On or Off

Select to freeze or unfreeze the grid.

Record(s) Per Page

Enter the number of records to display per page.

Go to

Enter the page number of the page you want to view and click Go.


This column displays the source of the data, File Data Load (Data Integration, Template, etc.


This column displays the name of the template or Data Load Rule with which the data was loaded

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