How to Import Exchange Rates
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How to Import Exchange Rates

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Article summary

The Import option in the Currency Exchange Rate screen allows you to import the exchange rates from the exported file format consisting of the updated exchange rates from one scenario to another.

Once the file is imported you can see the updated exchange rates on the Currency Exchange Rate screen. Previously, users had to edit currency exchange rate data on the screen and there was only an option of Exporting the data.

Business Value:

This feature eases the process of exporting currency exchange rates file from one scenario and importing it to another scenario. It allows you to edit the data of an exported file with errors and import it again.

In Practice: How to Import Currency Exchange Rates

  1. Navigate to Maintenance> Exchange Rates> Currency Exchange Rate tab.
  2. Select the Scenario, Currencies, Year, and Apply Currency Conversion checkboxes. 
  3. Click the Excel icon from the menu bar.
  4. Select the Export option from the drop-down list. Currency Exchange Rates visible on the screen will be downloaded in an excel file format.
  5. Edit the file and save.
  6. Select the Import option from the excel icon drop-down list. Import Exchange Rates pop-up will appear.
  7. Upload the edited excel file and click Submit.
  8. You will receive a notification once the import is successful.
In the import file avoid the following:
  • You should not hide rows or columns
  • You should not add blank rows or columns
  • In case there are multiple exchange rate sheets, only the active sheet consisting of values is considered for import.

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