July 17 Release Notes
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July 17 Release Notes

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Article summary

Known and Resolved Issues

Known application issues we are working to resolve, as well as any resolved issues for this release, can be found in the Host Analytics Support Portal, located at hostanalyticsinc.zendesk.com/home.

Support Portal Access

User authentication is required to access the Support Portal. To access the Support Portal directly, setup a password which will work with the email address you use to access your Host Analytics application as follows: 

  1. Navigate to https://hostanalyticsinc.zendesk.com/access/help.
  1. Enter the email address you use to sign into your Host Analytics application.
  1. Open your email client and locate the email titled, "Host Analytics, Inc. password reset" and follow the instructions in the email.

Deprecated Items

An ongoing list of product features, components, and functionality which Host Analytics is planning to remove in future releases can be found in the Knowledge Base. Refer to the FAQs document for detailed information.

Report Sets

All Classic (i.e., Old) Report Sets now work in modern browsers as of Spring17 release. Detailed changes in this release for Report Sets include:

  • In the File Cabinet, version names (under the Version column) have been changed from New and Old, to Modern and Classic, respectively.

  • You can add, edit, and save, save as, copy Classic Static Report Sets from a modern browser. An existing Classic Static Report Set can be modified and saved from a modern browser, and the audit log is updated accordingly. Freeze On/Off, Grid Headers On/Off, and other toolbar options are saved and applied for a Classic Report Set when accessed from modern browsers.

  • All toolbar options are now available when a Classic Static Report Set is accessed from a modern browser, as per user security and report access settings.

  • When a Classic Static Report Set is opened from a modern browser, in the Data Format right pane, the Currency Alignment, Negative Number, Thousand Separator, and Precedence are hidden, as these features are not available for Classic Report Sets. For all the other fields that are applicable to Classic report sets, the corresponding selections are displayed when opened within modern browsers.

  • When a Classic Static Report Set is opened from a modern browser, in the Line Format right pane the Font, Size, Border Types (Outside Box, Left, Right), Colors, and Apply On are hidden, as these features are not available for Classic Report Sets. For all the other fields that are applicable to Classic Report Sets, the corresponding selections are displayed when opened from modern browsers.

  • Upgrade to Report Set to Access All Features on Save As and Copy is no longer applicable. When you access a Classic report set in a modern browser, a flip toggle switch, Enable Modern Features, appears on the page. Flipping the switch ON converts the Classic Report Set to Modern, and all the features can be accessed. Note that this conversion action cannot be reverted. These features are applied in place and immediately reflect (with no additional steps required) in the Dynamic Reports that are created using the Report Set where Modern Features are enabled.

  • Absolute columns are now enabled in the grid for Data Format Preview and Scale, for all Classic Static Report Sets, accessed from modern browsers. Additionally:

    • Select the checkbox to apply Absolute;

    • Grid and right pane sync for these fields;

    • Precedence & Apply On columns are removed from the grid for Classic (i.e., old) Static Report Sets.

  • Absolute option is now enabled for Number Format and Scale for Data Format, for all Classic Static Report Sets, accessed from modern browsers. If Absolute is selected for Number or Scale for existing Classic Report Sets, the checkbox appears as selected when accessed from modern browsers (and vice versa); it is not displayed for Modern Static Report Sets.

  • A column for Rule Text, with member labels, has been added to the Static Report Set, for Excel export, for all reference account lines. (It is empty for the other line types.) Applies to all Classic, and Modern Report Sets, when accessed from modern browsers.

Important Notes

  • Static Report Sets are no longer supported on IE 11 with compatibility ON. Use Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, or IE 11 standard.

  • Classic Report Sets and all the features described in this document or the Online Help for Classic Report Sets are available only for Host Analytics existing customers who were on IE 11 compatibility mode. All customers to Host Analytics will have Modern Report Sets only by default.

  • After enabling Modern Features on a Classic Report Set, all the default formatting is applied, and column precedence is applied for the absolute rows. All details can be modified, as per the functionality, and saved. The audit log is updated upon edit and save.

  • You must manually adjust any Dynamic Reports that are part of a Report Set when Modern Features are enabled on a Classic Report Set which have any of the following formatting features applied: Borders, Apply On, and Precedence.

  • If a Classic Report Set is updated from a modern browser and then accessed from IE with compatibility ON and saved, the freeze panes, grid lines, show/hide formula bar, and row/column headers features are all lost.

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