Performing Template Input
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    Performing Template Input

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    Article summary

    Where to Enter Template Data

    Input data into templates in the yellow shaded cells. White cells are generally locked to prevent data input or editing. Forecast closed periods appear with a white background. Your Admin user may set up templates with additional colors as shown below.



    You can create different layouts of a template and save them using Views. The scope of a View can depend on the different use cases you want to address using the template. When you share these layouts with any end-user, it will help them focus on the data they want to see and hide any unnecessary data.

    You can see the Create and Manage options from the Views drop-down in templates, only if you have Create and Manage Views checkbox enabled on the Approval Role page. Learn more.

    While creating a View, you can hide any row(s) or column(s) or filter any column based on the use case and save the View.

    In Practice: Accessing the View Option

    1. Navigate to Planning Control Panel and select a Budget entity from the Budget Hierarchy pane.
    2. Select the required template from the Template pane.
    3. From the right pane, click Input under the Template Workflow section in the Actions tab. The selected template data is displayed.
    4. You can access the View feature from the top menu bar.

    Create a New View

    Perform the following steps to create a new View:

    1. Click the View option on the top menu bar in a template.
    2. Select the Create a New View option from the list.
    3. Provide a unique name for the View in the Enter View Name field, and do the following:
      • Filter the required column
      • Hide the required row(s) and column(s)
    4. Click Save View. The saved view is listed in the Views list.

    You can use the Reset option to undo the changes made in that view till that point.

    If you want to access any View created before, click the View option in the menu bar and click on the required view from the list.

    Manage Views

    If you want to edit or delete any View that was already created, perform the following steps:

    1. Click the View option on the top menu bar in a template.
    2. Select the Manage Views option from the list. The list of already created views is displayed.
    3. If you want to delete any view, click the delete icon adjacent to that respective view.
    4. If you want to edit any view, click the edit icon adjacent to that respective view, and do the required updates.

    Explanation of Line Types in Templates

    In the templates below, there are several line types; H, L, C, RA. Additionally, you may have templates with RC, DA, and N line types. Each of the line types has a specific purpose.



    What is the L (Subline) Template Line Type and What is the Purpose

    A line with an L hyperlink indicates that there are sublines associated with the line. For example, you have a checking account line and the Subline template lines provide a way to itemize the account.

    Click the L hyperlink to open the Subline template interface where you can add Subline details. Subline details itemize accounts on the main template input page. You can perform direct entry (yellow cells) at the detail level in the cells of the Subline template. You can also add and remove sublines.


    Once sublines are added, the template line displays in red with a green background on the main template page as shown below.


    Description of the fields on the Subline Template page is provided below.

    • Remove All Lines - click to remove all the added sublines.

    • Insert Lines - enter the number of rows (account strings) to insert into the grid or press Enter on your keyboard.

    • Allow line total formula update - this selection prevents you from changing the formula associated with the line. For example, a formula might be set up to calculate monthly totals. Select this checkbox to open or unlock the row to allow modifications. Once selected, the row will change from white to yellow indicating that you can enter data in the cells.

    • Reset Formula - reset the formula to the original. For example, if a formula is defined to calculate monthly forecast and you change the formula to calculate, for example, quarter 1 total, you can then click Reset Formula to calculate monthly total once again.

    • Save - Saving the Subline template also saves the main template.

    Performing a save on the Subline template page synchronizes Subline template data with the main template. It also saves the main template.

    What is the C Template Line Type and What is the Purpose

    A row with a C means that it is a Calculated line. Calculated lines have calculations, such as the sum of several cells. Some examples are provided below.



    Enter formulas in the formula bar for a template opened from the Planning Control Panel in Input mode. Optionally, enter the formula in the cell.

    Calculations are not displayed when in template View mode.

    What is the H Template Line Type and What is the Purpose

    Indicates the line is a header line. These lines are not editable. Your Admin might use this line type to enter notes for you, the end-user, or to format the template and even to add additional spacing.

    Here is an example of a template with 2 header lines. The first one is used for spacing and the second one has a title (Balance Sheet).


    What is the N Template Line Item and What is the Purpose

    Indicates notes are attached to the line. Notes might provide additional detail on the line or instructions to the end-user.

    Here is an example of an Operating Expense template with a General Travel Line Item. A note was entered. If you click the Note icon the Line Notes page appears.


    What is the RA Template Line Item and What is the Purpose

    RA stands for Reference Account and indicates another account(s) is referenced for that template line. For example, you might have a payroll account referenced from an HR template line.

    This template has 4 RA lines. If you click the Bonuses RA line, the Reference Account Report opens with information on the accounts referenced for this line.



    What is the DA Template Line Item and What is the Purpose

    DA stands for Destination Account and indicates that template line is mapped to a segment combination. Destination accounts are used to save budget or forecast data entered or calculated in a selected budget template against a General Ledger account.

    What is the RC Template Line Item and What is the Purpose

    RC stands for Reference Cube and indicates the line references data from the reporting cube. For example, the line displays a total from data that was looked up. The results is total revenue for all sales departments in a legal entity.

    This template has several Reference Cube line. A total is displayed for each line for the Actual scenario and the Budget 2017 and 2018 scenarios.


    Perform Input after Forwarding or Approval of Templates

    This functionality is now enabled by default for all new and existing customers.

    Input data to templates in a forwarded and/or approved state. The image below shows you the template actions available without ability to perform input. Notice that the BVT_GTSC template is in a forwarded state and therefore there is no ability to perform template input (only to view the template).


    You can perform template input against a forwarded (or approved) template as shown in the image below.


    This does not apply to templates in a Final Approval state.

    View Cell Updates

    You can view the history of the data changes on the source data available in the templates. You can double-click on any record from the template to view the history. The history contains information like dimension intersection details, who changed the data, the timestamp of the data change, and the details about the changes.

    This functionality is applicable only when the Ivy framework is enabled in the application. Reach out to Planful Support to enable Ivy in your Sandbox application.


    For now, the History feature is available in GTSC, GTEC, Allocation, New Line Item, Capital and Block templates.

    Templates act as structures that hold budget data like scenarios, attributes, and entities. You can design templates based on your business needs. Using the History feature you can verify the updates made to the source data in the templates. It provides information like who changed the data, the timestamp of the data change, and the details about the changes.

    Select any cell in the template and the History toggle is displayed in the top right corner of the template. Enable the History toggle to view the history of the data.


    You can view the History of the data related to Open Periods of the following Line Types:

    • L with posting (with or without sublines)
    • L with posting and history accounts (with or without sublines)
    • C with posting
    • C with posting and history accounts
    • RA with single account mapping


    Disable the history toggle to stop the history view.

    • The history is displayed for a given dimension intersection across all the source types.
    • Up to 1000 rows (latest ones) are displayed in the history of Drill Through. Each page will display up to 100 records.

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