Dynamic Planning Setting Up Excel Reporting
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    Dynamic Planning Setting Up Excel Reporting

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    Article summary


    Power users should perform the following:

    Provide Users With Navigation Access

    Generally, Contributor users have access to design views and formatted reports, and by default, they have access to design Excel Reports also. However, a Power user can turn off design access for Contributor users. This setting takes effect for every model in the application.

    If you disable design navigation access to Contributors, both Contributor and Reviewer users will still be able to open and refresh Excel Reports that they have been given access to.

    In Practice: Enabling or Disabling Navigation Access for Contributor User Roles

    1. Select the Manage and the Navigation Access subtask.

    2. For the Contributor role, under the Design Excel Report heading, select the Yes or No option to allow or disallow design access for Contributor users.


    3. Click Save.

    Reviewer users never have design access to Excel Reports, similar to formatted reports. For the Role Reviewer, “Design Excel Report” is not an option.

    Provide Group Access to Office Reports

    Office Reports can be created and published so that other users can download them and refresh report data. The ability to publish and store reports in the cloud is a collaboration feature to make it easier to store the most common monthly reports in one place.

    Publishing reports to the Dynamic Planning cloud is intended to be used for your organization’s standard monthly reports, such as those in a board book. A general guideline is to use it for fewer than 10 standard reports, although we support up to 50 reports per application, of no more than 16MB each.

    Power users specify access to this feature by user groups. Specify which user groups can Open or Download only, or Publish (which includes Download) reports. Download is read-only. Publish is read-write.

    In Practice

    1. Select Manage task and the Office Report, Setup subtask. Here, you can create a template that acts as a placeholder for each report that will be published and made accessible to users. One template can be used for either an Excel Report, Word Report, or PowerPoint Report. Each template reserves a spot for just one report in the Dynamic Planning cloud.

    2. Enter the report name.

    3. Enter the report description.

    4. Click Save.

    5. In the Group field, specify user groups that should have access to this report.

    6. For Access, specify whether user groups should be able to publish or download the report.

    7. Click Save.


    Model-Level and Dimension-Level Security

    Model and Dimension security works the same way as it works in Views and Reports. Power users have access to everything. Contributor and Reviewer users can access only the models and data for which they have been granted access. Power users grant access using Model Permissions and Dimension Locks.

    If Contributor or Reviewer users do not have access to a member which is being referenced in a cell, they will see #NO ACCESS instead of the data. If the member that is being referenced in a cell is not available in the model, #INVALID appears in the cell.

    Application Settings

    Power users can set up two options for Excel Reporting; Display Progress Information and Display Blank Cells as Zeros.

    Display Progress Information

    To monitor the progress of a current operation (display a progress bar with supporting information), complete the following steps:

    1. Select the Manage task and the Application Administration > Application Settings subtask.

    2. In the “Display Progress Information After (in seconds)" field, select the number of seconds after which a Progress information box will display for operations that take longer than the specified number of seconds to complete. The default is None. You can enter any number between 1 and 60. For example, if you select 1, the progress bar will appears after 1 second. If you select Immediate, the Progress box will appear immediately after certain user operations.


    After changing any application setting, you must save, logoff, close the workbook, and restart Excel to see the changes.

    User Operations with Progress Information

    The following operations will display a progress bar if display progress information is other than None.

    • Capture Data as SpotlightXL Formulas

    • Capture Entire Workbook

    • Refresh

    • Refresh All

    The image below shows an example of the progress when capturing data as Spotlight formulas.


    If you click Cancel, SpotlightXL asks you to confirm that you want to cancel. Depending on the type of operation in progress and how far along the operation was, SpotlightXL may stop immediately or may complete the operation in the current worksheet but stop before proceeding to the next worksheet.

    Displaying Blank Cells with Zeros

    The “Display Blank cells with Zeros” field (shown below) allows you to select to display any data cells with no value as zeros. The default is Yes. Any Excel Report that contains data cells with a null value will display those data cells as zero if this option is set to Yes.


    A View containing both zero and blank data cells is shown below.


    A View converted to an Excel Report where display blank cells with zeros is set to yes, is shown below.


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