Using Default Members in an Excel Report
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Using Default Members in an Excel Report

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Article summary

When creating an Excel Report, typically you begin with a view and then convert the view to an Excel Report. In this case, all of the dimensions and members are already selected in the view before it is converted into the report. However, built into the Excel Report designer now is the ability to see the default members when you create a new cell, as described below.

In Practice

  1. Login to SpotlightXL.

  2. Select Analyze > Data, and then select a model that has Direct Access to PCR.

  3. Lay out the view as you wish and save it.

  4. Select the Data menu, Design With, Excel Report.


    The view is converted to Spotlight formulas, and a new tab appears, named by the view, which displays the Excel Report with #REFRESH on each data cell.

  5. Click Refresh to update the data.

  6. Put your cursor on any blank cell and then click Design Manager. Notice that the four system dimensions have their default member selected by default for a Data cell.


    1. If you select Member, and then select one of the system dimensions on the row or column axis, again you see the default member automatically selected. You can use the member select icon to pick any other member of the dimension that you have access to. In the following example, Time is on the row axis and 2019 is selected by default.


    2. Similarly, if you select POV, and then select one of the system dimensions, you see the default member automatically selected. You can use the member select icon to pick any other member of the dimension that you have access to. In the following example, Reporting is a POV dimension and G/L Data (CC) is selected by default.


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