Using Spotlight for Office in PowerPoint
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    Using Spotlight for Office in PowerPoint

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    Article summary

    Once you have copied data from a SpotlightXL View or Report into PowerPoint, you are ready to work with the Spotlight menu ribbon.

    Menu Ribbon Item


    Refresh All Open Reports

    Connects to the Dynamic Planning data source and retrieves the data value for each cell on the current slide. Each cell is defined by a member intersection, which you can view with the Design Manager. You can update all data for all slides by selecting Refresh All Open Reports.

    Analyze in Excel

    For the current data cell selected, returns you to Excel and displays the member intersection where the data came from. You can then zoom in on any of the dimensions to learn how the data item was derived.

    Design Manager

    Opens the Design Manager box and displays the member intersection or dimension information for the current cell selected. If the current cell is a data item, Design Manager displays the model, and all the dimensions and members that describe the data. If the current cell is a dimension or member name, Design Manager displays the model, dimension, and member name.

    In the Design Manager, you can change all non-POV dimension members associated with the current cell. Click the Member Select icon next to the current value, select a new member, and click Select.

    You can also double-click a cell to view the metadata associated with it.

    Number Format

    Opens the Format Cells box and lets to you select a formatting style for the selected data cells containing numbers, similar to the options in Excel. To change the format, select the category of number format you want, specify options, and click OK.

    Copy Formulas

    Copies the metadata and data formulas associated with the selected cell(s) to the Clipboard. These formulas can then be pasted into another slide in PPT, into SpotlightXL, or into SpotlightWord.

    Paste Formulas

    Pastes the metadata and data formulas from the Clipboard to the current slide in SpotlightPPT.


    Opens the Selection pane. In this pane, you can Show All Spotlight cells, Hide All Spotlight cells, and see a list of all Spotlight cells on the current slide. If you select an item in the Selection list, that cell is highlighted on the slide. You can select multiple items on the list with Ctrl-Click. If you want to delete those cells from the slide, press the Delete key.

    Select Data

    Specifies the range of data items to be used in a chart.

    Edit Data in Excel

    Allows you to use the Excel interface to paste in the cells from Spotlight that will be used in a chart.

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