Views and Reports
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Views and Reports

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Article summary

Now you are ready to use the Analyze and Report features to set up views and reports for your users.

Setting a Display Label

You can customize the way that members appear in views and reports using Display Labels. In Structured Planning, Consolidation, and Reporting applications, data is described with a Code and a Name. In Dynamic Planning, the Code becomes the member name by default.


When designing the view or report, using the Properties option, you can use a Display Label instead. By default, Display Label uses the Structured Planning, Consolidation, and Reporting applications definition of Code – Name.


Here is the result:


Model > Dimension

If you want to create a custom label for any member, go to Model > Dimension, and select the dimension you want to customize.


Under Action, select Set Display Label.


Then look for the member(s) that you want to change. For example, if you want to shorten the Display Label for “2000 – DWH Operations, Inc.” to say “2000 – DWH”, locate 2000 in the table and specify the Display Label.


Then click Save.

When you next open your View (Analyze > Data), the custom Display Label appears.


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