Why and How Should I Use Export Data / Export Data Setup
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Why and How Should I Use Export Data / Export Data Setup

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Article summary

Use the Export Data and Export Data Setup pages to export data from Planful to Excel, text, or CSV (comma delimited value) file formats. Navigate to Maintenance > DLR > Export Data to access these pages.

Export Data Setup

  • File Type - Select the output type: Excel (.xls, .xlsx), text (.txt), or CSV (comma delimited value).

  • First Row has Column Names - Specify whether you want the first row to contain the column name or not.

  • Data Format - Specify whether the periods should be present for Columns or Rows.

  • Add - Insert a new column.

  • Column - Displays the default and possible columns that need to be present in the export data. Account, Company, Department, ICSegment, and Amount are default items. If you select the data format as Periods on rows, the Fiscal Year and Fiscal Month are mandatory fields.

  • Header Name - Specify a header name for the inserted column. If you want a blank header name in the export file, enter #Blank#.

  • Value - Specify the period for Fiscal Year, Fiscal Month, and Additional Column. For Fiscal Year, specify YY/YYYY/Century. For Fiscal Month, specify MM/Month name (first 3 characters)/Month name (full name).

  • Active - Allow or do not allow the field in the data export. By default, Account, Company, ICSegment, Department, Amount, and Scenario are selected.

Once all fields above are complete, click Save & Next.

Export Data

Scenario - Select the scenario from which that data will be exported. When the Actual scenario is selected, Start Month and End Month fields are available for selection.

  • Measure - Select a measure, which reflects the data according to your selection in the data export:

  • MTD - Export data based on a monthly measure.

  • YTD - Export data based on a yearly measure.

  • Account Based- Export data based on a specific account.

  • Company Hierarchy - This hierarchy displays the Company Main and all the members associated with it. Select the segment from which you want to export data.

  • Common Currency - Applies common currency (CC) to the data. If you select this option, all the dimensions with a CC are taken into consideration.

  • Local Currency - Applies local currency (LC) to the data. If you select this option, all the dimensions with a LC are taken into consideration.

  • Select Report Ids - Enable the Reporting Hierarchy to select a particular Reporting Dimension instead of considering all the consolidated dimensions.

  • Reporting Main - Displays the Reporting Main and all the members associated with it. Select the segment from which you want to export data.

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