Currency Exception Overview
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    Currency Exception Overview

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    Article summary

    When exchange rates cannot be applied for certain reasons, currency exceptions may be utilized. Users can specify accounts to convert using different currency types for legal entities and hyperinflationary economies. In some cases, it's essential to convert specific accounts for particular companies at fixed or historical rates. For instance, an investment on a balance sheet may need to be held at a fixed rate until liquidation. Another common scenario is inventory holdings. The currency exceptions described here apply to Budget, Plan, Preloaded Budget, and Forecast scenarios.

    Currency conversions with exceptions are not executed when the currency conversion process takes place within the Data Load Rules process. Currency Conversions with exceptions must be executed via Currency Exchange Rates and/or the Consolidation Process to include exception details.

    To access the Currency Exception, navigate to Maintenance > Multi-Currency > Currency Exceptions. 


    The Currency Exceptions page has three tabs: Currency Exception Setup, HyperInflationary Setup, and Calculation Exception Setup.


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