How to Add Members to Sibling Hierarchies?
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    How to Add Members to Sibling Hierarchies?

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    Article summary

    To add members to sibling hierarchies, do the following:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Hierarchy > Hierarchy Management.
    2. Click the Add icon in the top menu of the Hierarchy Management to add the new member to the Main Company hierarchy.
    3. Select either the Roll-up node or the Leaf node based on your requirement.
    4. Enter the Member code and select the appropriate properties. The member will be added to the Main hierarchy.
    5. Select the newly added member, then click the Copy button in the top menu of the Hierarchy Management interface.
    6. Navigate to the sibling hierarchy, select the location where you want to add the member, and click the Paste button.
    7. Run the Consolidation Process for both hierarchies to apply the updates.

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