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List of Dynamic Planning SOAP APIs
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Master and Analytic Model APIs | Description |
Use this API to create or append attributes and attribute hierarchies, specify display labels for attributes, and create or modify attribute-to-dimension-member mappings in Master and Analytic models. | |
Use this API to add new members into an existing dimension in Master and Analytic models. The model should already be generated and the dimension should exist | |
This API is used to execute a Calculation defined in Dynamic Planning. | |
This API returns the current and last status of the running of a calculation. | |
This API clears existing data from Master and Analytic models based on the scope of the definition. | |
This API clears existing leaf data from Master and Analytic models based on the scope of the definition. | |
This API allows you to export the entire dimension hierarchy from a specified model in XML format. The following data is exported:
Note: DAP (Direct Access to PCR) models and the HACPM_Financial model are not supported with this API. Additionally, the root member (top most member of the hierarchy) will not have a <Member-Parent> tag. | |
This API allows you to export leaf-level data from a specified model in XML format. Optionally, you can specify one or more filters to export specific data. | |
This API loads data to Master and Analytic models. | |
External Source Model APIs | Description External Source Models APIs that support the new implementation of ESM as of November 2018 are marked with the icon |
This API clears data from an external data source model. | |
This API clears existing dimension member data available in an external source model. | |
This API allows you to export leaf-level data from an external source model in XML format. Optionally, you can specify one or more filters to export specific data, and you can specify which fields to export. | |
This API loads data to an external source model. | |
This API loads dimension members to an external source model. | |
User Management APIs | Description |
These APIs add users and user group mappings, and delete users. | |
These APIs return the names of users or user groups for a tenant. |