Limitations for Projections
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    Limitations for Projections

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    Article summary

    • Currently, Predict Projections do not work with Custom Timeset. If you have a template with Custom Timeset, the Predict Projections option will not be available in that template. You must create a template with Default Timeset for Projections to be enabled for the template.
    • When the same dimension intersection is planned from multiple sources (e.g. planning from multiple templates), Predict Projections may not generate reliable projections. (applicable for non-FAAS tents only)
    • When the Projections Engine does not find enough Historical Actuals (it requires at least 3 years of actuals for all the months, which is 12 x 3 = 36 data points), it cannot generate projections and displays an error.
    • Predict only enables fiscal year setups of 12 months period, any setup other than 12 months will not be supported.

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