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    Article summary

    1. $ModelName: (type: string) Name of the model. If the model specified does not exist, the operation is canceled.

    2. $DimensionName: (type: string) Name of the Dimension that is associated with the Attribute. If the dimension specified does not exist, the operation is canceled.

    3. $AttributeName: (type: string) Name of the Attribute to create or append to. This is the root member of the Attribute hierarchy. The attribute name must be unique. If you attempt to append an attribute name that already exists, an error message appears and the operation is canceled.

    4. $Delimiter: (type: string) Delimiter String

    5. $AttributeMember, $AttributeMemberParent, and $AttributeMemberDisplayLabel: (type: string) Specifies the member code of the Attribute member to create or append to the Attribute. Use the Delimiter, then specify the parent member that this Attribute member rolls up to. Optionally use another Delimiter, then specify the display label for this Attribute member. If no Display Label is specified, the member code is used as the display label. When the model is generated, you can append attributes to an existing attribute hierarchy only if you are adding the attribute to an existing attribute parent. You can convert an attribute leaf member to a parent by appending leaves under it.

    6. $DimensionMember and $AttributeMember: (type: string) Specifies the dimension leaf code that will be mapped to the Attribute member. Use the Delimiter, then specify the Attribute leaf member code to associate with this dimension member. If the dimension leaf code has an existing attribute mapped to it, it is overwritten with the specified attribute leaf member.

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