Shortcut Keys
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Shortcut Keys

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Article summary

Using you keyboard, quickly maneuver through grids located on various applications pages without the assistance of a mouse.

Left / Right - Moves the currently selected cell in the left or right direction until it reaches the first or last column in the same row. The cell is not in editable mode when you are leveraging the left/right and up/down arrows.

Up / Down - Moves the currently selected row in the up or down direction; across pages until it reaches the first or last row.

Tab - Selects the next cell in the same row if available or moves to the first cell in the next row (if available). Once the cell is selected, if the cell is editable, it is displayed in the cell editor. Navigation moves across pages until it reaches the last row.

Shift+Tab - Same as Tab, but moves in the reverse direction. Navigation moves across pages, until it reaches the first row.

Enter - Selects the cell in the same column, but in the next row (if available). Once the cell is selected, if the cell is editable, it is displayed in the cell editor. Navigation moves across pages, until it reaches the last row.

Shift+Enter - Same as Enter, but moves in the reverse direction. Navigation moves across pages, until it reaches the first row.

Shift+Up Arrow - Multi-cell selection upwards

Shift+Down Arrow - Multi-cell selection downwards

Shift+Left Arrow - Multi-cell selection left

Shift+Right Arrow - Multi-cell selection right

Esc - If the cell is in edit mode, this action cancels the editor and reverts the cell contents to the original value.

Space - Selects the current highlighted cell if it is a Radio button or Checkbox.

Backspace - Delete the content of the cell and set cell into edit mode

Delete - Delete the content of the cell

Shift+Delete - Delete the content including formatting.

Spacebar - Delete the content and set the cell in edit mode.

Page Up / Page Down - If the cell is not in edit mode, this option is used to navigate the pages selecting the first cell in the first row of the page. If the current highlighted cell is an auto complete list with paging enabled, navigate the pages in the auto complete list. Utilize the Page Up and Down to navigate through available pages of selections as the drop-down box displays only 10 members by default. In addition you can use the Page Controls (left and right arrows) at the bottom of the drop-down box to navigate between the available selections.

Auto-Complete - Within a grid that requires member selections, the available members are displayed in a drop-down box, which is configured with auto-complete functionality. Type the first letter of the code you are searching for and the list will be automatically filtered. Continue to add characters to the filter until you have your item selected or use the up and down arrow keys to select the correct member from the available list. Once the item is highlighted, press Shift+Tab or Tab to move to the left or right cell, or, press Shift+Enter or Enter to move to the row above or row below. Once you select a value for a drop-down box and navigate to the next cell the destination cell will always remain active so that there is no need to leverage the mouse.

F2 – If the cell is not in edit mode, F2 changes the active cell into an editable cell. If there is a selection already in the cell then that cell is highlighted and auto-complete displays the selection. To remove the selection, press the Backspace or Delete keys.

F3 - Find data/text within an application page

F4 - Repeats the last action performed

F5 - Reloads (an application page for example)

Ctrl+F4 - Exits the application

Ctrl+B - Makes a cell bold

Ctrl+U - Underlines text

Ctrl+I - Italizes text

Ctrl+Z - Undo

Ctrl+A - Select All

Ctrl+C - Copy

Ctrl+E - Export to Excel

Ctrl+V - Paste

Ctrl+X - Cut

Ctrl+Home - Goes to first cell in the freeze pane. If no freeze pane, then first cell on the screen.

Ctrl+End - Goes to last cell

Ctrl+Mouse Wheel - Zoom In and Out

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