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Verify Data
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After loading data using Data Integration functionality, confirm the accuracy of the postings and verify where data has been sourced from.
Posting records are the lowest level members of a hierarchy.
To access the Verify Data page, navigate to Maintenance > Reports > Verify Data.
Description of Fields on the Verify Data Page
Scenario - Select the Scenario associated with the data loaded.
Dimensions - The dimensions associated with the selected scenario. Select the relevant member from the hierarchy. If sourcing data from Actuals, select a member from the Time dimension. You can view a tree hierarchy with dimension members. You can remove selected dimensions.
Hierarchy - Select the entire hierarchy by clicking the checkbox located next to the structure. Expand and collapse the tree structure or perform a search for a specific members to associate with the dimension. You can select multiple members to associate.
Display - Select Code, Name or Label associated with the dimension parameters. Selecting Label displays the code and the name.
Run - Once you’ve selected dimension parameters, click to display all records. Once you click Run, the following fields are available:
Decimals - Configure 0 to 6 decimal places for selected cells. The default is set to 2 decimal places.
More > Grid On/Off - Select to turn the grid lines off or on.
More > Freeze On/Off - Select to freeze or unfreeze the grid.
Showing Rows - Represents the record numbers displayed on the grid.
Record(s) per Page - Enter the number of records to display per page.
Go to - Enter the page number of the page you want to view.
Module - This column displays the source of the data, File Data Load (Data Integration, Template, etc.).
Template - This column displays the name of the template or Data Load Rule with which the data was loaded
You can adjust the column width in a Verify Data Report. You can select a column or multiple columns and drag and resize the column width using the mouse.
Data Displayed (Credit vs. Debit)
The Signage of the data that was loaded via a Data Load Rule for a Credit or Debit account depends upon the Apply Debit-Credit option in Define Overall Rule Setting tab of the Data Load Rule wizard. For a Credit Account, the sign of the data is never same in verify data and reports.
When Apply Debit - credit is set toYes, the following occurs:
For Debit Accounts
Amount(s) loaded for a Debit account is displayed "as is" in reports. For example, if you want to see a negative number for a debit account, load a negative number for that account while loading data to Planful.
For Credit Accounts
For a Credit account, by default, the number loaded is negated and stored in the system. So, if an amount of 100 is loaded, the number would be stored internally as -100 and hence the Verify Data Report would show -100, as (100 X -1).
When displayed in a Dynamic Report, the underlying number in the system is again multiplied by -1, i.e. (-100 X -1) which is 100.
When Apply Debit - credit is set to No the following occurs:
For Debit Accounts
Amount(s) loaded for a Debit account is displayed "as is" in reports. For example, if you want to see a negative number for a debit account, load a negative number for that account while loading data to Planful.
For Credit Accounts
If an amount of 100 is loaded from using a Data Load Rules, the same will be shown in Verify Data which is 100. In reports, it will multiply by -1 and show as -100.