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Configuring Time Sets
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Time Sets allow budget input at a selected time period frequency in a Capital template. By default, the Planful system assumes a one fiscal year (12 period) configuration, which is equal to months. But, you can create Custom Time Sets with varying frequencies. You'll associate the time set when you set up the finance mode.
Configuration of time sets starts with the Configuration Task called Define Budget Parameters. Access the Configuration Task List page by navigating to Maintenance > Configuration Tasks. Then, select the Define Budget Parameters task.
The number of years selected for Budget Input Years determines the number of applicable years for the time set definition.
Let’s say you select 5 Budget Input Years. You could then select to have a time set defined to budget at the month level, which leaves you with 60 periods for budget input in all templates with the All Months time set selection. Or, perhaps you want to have the first 2 years at the month level and the remaining years at the quarter, which leaves you with 36 periods (24 input periods for the first 2 years and 12 input periods for the remaining 3 years at the quarterly time set).