December 17 Maintenance Release
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    December 17 Maintenance Release

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    Article summary

    Dashboards Enhancements

    The following enhancements are available for Dashboards:

    Ability to Display or Hide Gridlines in a Chart

    Vertical Axis Scale Minimums and Maximums

    Improved Reporting Area Selection Efficiency

    In Application Validation and Messaging

    Global Filters Update

    Ability to Display or Hide Gridlines in a Chart

    You can opt to display or hide the gridlines for a chart. Select the chart and click Settings in the Dashboard. The Show Gridlines checkbox and Gridline Count field is available.

    Select Show Gridlines to display gridlines for the selected chart. Enter a numeric value for Gridline Count. For example, in the image below, 50 is entered for Gridline Count and reflected immediately in the Salaries chart.

    Vertical Axis Scale Minimums and Maximums

    Enter a minimum or maximum value for the vertical axis of a chart. For example, the vertical axis of the chart below is 60M.

    Let's say you want the minimum to be 30M. Ensure the chart is selected and click Settings. Expand the Vertical Axis field as shown below.

    Let's say you want the minimum to be 30M. Ensure the chart is selected and click Settings. Expand the Vertical Axis field as shown below.

    Enter 30M for Axis Min. As you enter a numeric value, the chart dynamically adjusts as shown below.

    Improved Reporting Area Selection Efficiency

    Now, contextual data is stored in the reporting area related cube for chart and table axis member selection, which improves Dashboard efficiency. When selecting a dimension member, you can select from the following options;

    • Selected - The members selected are displayed.

    • Children - The first level children of the selected members are displayed.

    • All Children - All of the descendants of the selected members are displayed.

    • Sel+Children - The selected members and the first level children of the selected members are displayed.

    • Sel+AllChildren - The selected members and all of the descendants of the selected members are displayed.

    • Leaves - The posting levels below the selected members are displayed.

    • Sel+Leaves - The selected members and the posting levels below the selected members are displayed.

    • Sel+Parents - The selected members and the summary levels above the selected members are displayed.

    In Application Validation and Messaging

    We've added additional validations and messaging to Dashboards for an improved and more intuitive user experience.

    Global Filters

    We've changed global filters so that only one member is selected by default versus the member plus its children, for example.

    Code Name Label Enhancement

    In Fall17 we released the ability to display Dynamic Report members by Name, Code, or Label (name+code). However, this functionality was not available for scenario. Now, you can display scenario members by name, code or label as shown below.

    Contact Support to enable this feature if you are an existing customer. If you are new to Host Analytics, this feature is enabled by default.

    Scenario Due Date

    The Scenario Due Date field on the Add Scenario page (accessed by navigating to Maintenance, Admin, Scenario) is for reference only and is planned to be utilized in a future update.

    Budgeting Configuration

    The Budgeting Configuration field on the Add / Edit User page (accessed by navigating to Maintenance, Admin, User Management) is for reference only and is planned to be utilized in a future update.

    Known and Resolved Issues

    Known application issues we are working to resolve, as well as any resolved issues for this release, can be found in the Host Analytics Support Portal, located at

    Support Portal Access

    User authentication is required to access the Support Portal. To access the Support Portal directly, setup a password which will work with the email address you use to access your Host Analytics application as follows: 

    1. Navigate to
    1. Enter the email address you use to sign into your Host Analytics application.
    1. Open your email client and locate the email titled, "Host Analytics, Inc. password reset" and follow the instructions in the email.

    Deprecated Items

    Decision Hub Deprecation

    Host Analytics Decision Hub feature is planned to be deprecated from the Host Analytics application.

    Why is this going away?

    Decision Hub functionality which enabled customers to pull limited statistical data into the Host Analytics application has been replaced by Web Services.

    Web Services allows customers to pull data from any supported external source and load it into the Host Analytics application. This data can then be used as drivers for budgeting and forecasting.

    Maintaining two similar features in our product impact our ability to focus on either of them and provide the best product to our customers

    What action do I need to take?

    No action is required by any customers regarding this deprecation.

    If you are using our Currency Exchange Rate functionality, please note that this is not affected.

    Where do I go for more information?

    Should you have any questions about the planned deprecation of Decision Hub please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager or call us at (855) 622 7602, international customers call US +1 (650) 864-8866.

    An ongoing list of product features, components, and functionality which Host Analytics is planning to remove in future releases can be found in the Knowledge Base. Refer to the FAQs document for detailed information.

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