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How to Post a Comment
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- Enable the Comments On option from the More list box in Dynamic Reports. The default is set to Comments Off.
If Comments On is enabled, the Comment option is visible on the right-click menu. A visual indicator is displayed if a comment already exists on a cell. When Comments Off is enabled, the Comment option and visual indicators for comments are removed from the Dynamic Report. The setting is retained when you Save, Save As or Copy a Dynamic Report.
- Right-click on the required cell. The menu list appears.
- Click Comment. A pop-up window appears.
- Enter the required text and click Comment. The comment is saved successfully.
Any user with read-only or full access to the report can post comments for a data intersection honoring dimension security.
You can post comments on the following cells with:
Data combination of leaf level, roll up level, calculated members.
Data where substitution variables are used in the dimension intersection.
Data derived from a Custom Member (hierarchy-based, multi-dimensional rule, calculation-based) when calculation-based comments are stored for the Custom Member on the corresponding dimension. This is applicable for Dynamic Report and Financial Reporting Area ( for Main and Alternate hierarchies).
Data derived from Attributes or Attribute Hierarchy used on the Page, Row, or Column axis of a Dynamic Report.
Data where multiple members are used on the Page axis. This is applicable for Dimensions, Attributes, Attribute Hierarchy, Substitution Variables on the Page axis.
Comments are always visible on the Dynamic Report for a combination of the dimension selections. The comment can also be viewed from the Comment Manager page.
How to Edit a Comment
- Click the icon on the right-hand side of the comments pop-up window and select Edit from the menu list.
- Make the required changes and click Save.
You can only edit the comments posted by you. The administrator can update comments posted by any user. You can edit comments from anywhere (Dynamic Reports, Spotlight Web (Analyze and Report), and SpotlightXL (Analyze and Report), and Excel Based Reports) within the application irrespective of where you posted the comment.
How to Delete a Comment
- Click the icon on the right-hand side of the comments pop-up window and select Delete Thread from the menu list. A confirmation message appears.
- Click Confirmto delete the thread
You can only delete the comments posted by you. The administrator can delete comments posted by any user. You can delete comments from anywhere (Dynamic Reports, Spotlight Web (Analyze and Report), and SpotlightXL (Analyze and Report), and Excel Based Reports) within the application irrespective of where you posted the comment.
Note: If you delete the first comment in a thread, all the subsequent comments on the thread are automatically deleted. If a scenario or hierarchy member or a custom member is deleted, all the associated comments are deleted from the application automatically.
How to Highlight a Comment
Click the icon on the right-hand side of the comments pop-up window and select Highlight from the menu list.
The Highlight icon is displayed next to the comment as shown below.
The image below displays the Highlight option in Spotlight.
How to Resolve a Comment
You can resolve a comment thread by clicking Resolve visible in the first comment of the thread. Resolved comments are not displayed in the reports or when the report is exported. Once you resolve a comment, the visual indicator is not displayed on the cells.
You can resolve the comments from anywhere (Dynamic Reports, Spotlight Web (Analyze and Report), and SpotlightXL (Analyze and Report), and Excel Based Reports) within the application irrespective of where you posted the comment.
You can view the resolved comments from the Comments Manager page. An icon is displayed next to resolved comments as shown in the image below.
Use the Filter icon to filter resolved comments in the grid. Also, you can delete resolved comments using the More option. The image below shows the filter icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Once a comment is resolved, you cannot reopen, edit, reply, or highlight that comment. However, a new thread can be started for the same cell.
How to Assign a Task
- Right-click in the required cell and select Comment. The pop-up window appears.
- Enter + and type the user name.
- Select Assign.
- Enter the following details:
Add task title
Due On - Select the required to date.
Priority- Select any of the following:
- Click Comment. A notification is sent to the mentioned user.
The assignees and admin will have access to the assigned tasks. You can view the task details from Task Manager.
Mark Task as Completed in Comments Pop-up Window
You can change the status of any of your assigned tasks to Completed directly from the Comments pop-up window using the Mark as Completed toggle.
Only Assignee, Reporter, or Administrator can mark the status Completed using the Mark as Completed toggle. The Mark as Completed toggle is available in Dynamic Reports, Spotlight Web - Analyze and Reports, SpotlightXL - Analyze, Reports, and Excel Based Reports. The following image shows the status of a task marked as completed using the toggle.
When you mark any task Completed from the Comments pop-up window, the same status is automatically updated for the corresponding task in the Task Manager page.
How to Customize Email Notifications for Dynamic Commentary
You can customize email notifications for the Dynamic Commentary functionality by clicking the Notification bell icon located on the Home page. This feature allows you to stay informed of actions taken in the Dynamic Commentary functionality by receiving email notifications for specific actions based on your preferences. These email notifications will contain hyperlinks that will take you directly to the relevant product area, allowing you to quickly access reports and tasks from your email.
When you click on the hyperlink in the email, it will redirect you to the corresponding artifact, such as a Dynamic Report, a SpotlightXL View, or a SpotlightXL Report, from which the comment was posted. Additionally, it will open the corresponding Comment pop-up window, providing you with additional context about the comment.
If the email notification pertains to an assigned task, clicking on the hyperlink in the email will redirect you to the corresponding task on the Task Manager page, allowing you to easily manage your tasks.
The image below displays an email notification for Dynamic Commentary.
In Practice
- Go to the Home page and click on the Notification bell icon.
- Next, click on the Notification Settings icon and navigate to the Dynamic Commentary section, and select or deselect the required checkboxes. The following actions are available for which you can enable email notifications:
- All Actions - Select this check box to enable email notifications for all actions available in Dynamic Commentary. By default, this check box is selected.
- Assigned Task - Select this check box if you want to receive email notification only when someone assigned you any task.
- Marked Task As Complete - Select this check box if you want to mark a task as complete.
- Mentioned on Comment - Select this check box if you want to receive email notification only when someone mentioned you in any comment.
- Replied to My Comment - Select this check box if you want to receive email notification only when someone replies to your comment.
- Resolved Comment - Select this check box if you want to resolve any comments.
- Click Save.
How to Edit a Task in Task Manager
The tasks created from a comment are editable from Task Manager. This is applicable to the information mentioned in the Comment pop-up window. If you edit any of the task information from Task Manager, the updated information will be reflected in the Comments pop-up window.
If a task is completed, then a tick mark is visible on the Comments pop-up window against the respective task name.
If you change the assignee from Task Manager, the assignee details in the Comment pop-up window is not updated. If a task is deleted from Task Manager, it is removed from the Comment pop-up window, however, the user mentioned in the comment is retained.