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March21 Release Notes
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Enhancements to Application Behavior
Structured Planning
On the Workforce Set Up and End-user roster windows, performance has been improved for multiple entity selection in Compensation Item View, Natural Account View, GL Account View, and GL Account Detail View.
Structured Planning: Mass Update of Compensations in Employees Window
Now, in the Workforce Planning Setup and End-user Employees windows, a Compensation section has been added to the Mass Update window. You can use the Mass Update option to select and update compensation items for selected or all employees in the employee records.
The following image shows the Mass Update option in the toolbar of the Employees window.
How does the functionality work
When you select an employee or multiple employees from employee records and click Mass Update, compensation items that are part of the Roster screen, such as Overtime, Office Equipment, and Bonus, are displayed in the Compensation section and are available for Mass update.
While updating any compensation item for the selected number of employees, no value will be set by default, and you can specify the values for the fields accordingly. For example, here we have Overtime, Office Equipment, and Bonus in the Mass Update Window. The Overtime, Office Equipment, and Bonus fields' default text is Enter Overtime Value, Enter Office Equipment Value, and Enter Bonus Value, respectively.
If you update the Bonus field and specify the percentage in the Mass Update window, then the Bonus field will be updated for the selected employees from employee records on the roster screen.
Business Value
This functionality provides Administrators and Users the flexibility to update compensation items for many employees with ease. Any changes made to the compensation item fields will be reflected across all the selected employees, reducing the time and effort involved to update each employee’s compensation items.
In Practice: Selecting the Copy Option
Go to Maintenance > Workforce Planning Setup, you will see the Employees window.
Select some employees or select all employees, and click Mass Update.
In the Mass Update window, click Compensations.
Enter values for the compensation items, and click Save. A message is displayed once the compensation items are updated successfully.
Structured Planning: Heads Up! Template Based HR Option Deprecation
With March21 Release, existing customers with Select Template Based HR Setting option enabled will no longer be able to add new Templates of Template Type as “HR Template” or copy an existing HR template. If you are an existing customer with the Select Template Based HR Setting available in the Configuration Task list but did not have the setting enabled, then with the March21 Release, you will not see the Select Template Based HR Setting option. Please refer to Feature Deprecation – Template Based HR (force.com) for more details.
Platform: User Interface Enhancements
We have now enhanced Planful’s user interface to make it more intuitive, easy to use, and state-of-the-art. You will see these changes take form in elements throughout the platform. We plan to continue making these UI enhancements as we advance.
The following are the significant enhancements in this release:
Introduced the Avatar icon: You will now see an Avatar icon in place of your username on the application screen's top-right corner
Following are the changes that you will observe due to this enhancement:
If you have set a Profile Picture, you will see it in the Avatar icon.
If you have not set a Profile Picture, you will see the first letter of your first name in the Avatar icon.
You will see your full name and the Tenant's name instead of only the Tenant's name that used to appear previously.
Enhanced the UI for empty screens: You will now see an action suggestion or an intuitive message in place of a blank screen.
Platform: Deprecation of the Hide Logo on Application Menu Option
Now, you will not have the option to hide the application logo from the platform's Customize Branding section. Previously, you could go to Maintenance > Admin > Customize Branding > Configurations > Application Logo and choose the Hide on the Application menu option, which has now been deprecated.
You can now only choose to hide the application logo from the Application Selection page.
Following is the screenshot of the latest version.
Here is a screenshot of the previous UI for your reference.
Platform: Deprecation of the Hide Personalized Banner Option
Now, you will not have the option to hide the application banner from the platform's Customize Branding section. Previously, you could go to Maintenance > Admin > Customize Branding > Configurations > Personalize Banner and choose the Hide Personalize Banner option, which has now been deprecated.
You can only Personalize your banner from the Maintenance > Admin > Customize Branding > Personalize Banner menu but not hide it on your application.
Predict: Introduced Predict Signals
We have introduced the Predict Signals feature. Predict Signals is powered by an AI engine designed to give you everything you need to make better data-driven planning decisions through a seamless user experience.
Predict Signals analyses the scenarios you feed into it, detects and flags any projections that do not lie within the AI-generated statistical ranges as signals. An intuitive dashboard then presents these signals to you.
For more information about Predict Signals, refer to Predict Signals Guide.