Planning/Consolidation/Reporting Fall 16 Release Notes
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    Planning/Consolidation/Reporting Fall 16 Release Notes

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    Article summary

    Known and Resolved Issues

    Known application issues we are working to resolve, as well as any resolved issues for this release, can be found in the Host Analytics Support Portal, located at

    Support Portal Access

    User authentication is required to access the Support Portal. To access the Support Portal directly, setup a password which will work with the email address you use to access your Host Analytics application as follows: 

    1. Navigate to
    1. Enter the email address you use to sign into your Host Analytics application.
    1. Open your email client and locate the email titled, "Host Analytics, Inc. password reset" and follow the instructions in the email.

    Deprecated Items

    An ongoing list of product features, components, and functionality which Host Analytics is planning to remove in future releases can be found in the Knowledge Base. Refer to the FAQs document for detailed information.

    Report Books to Report Collection Conversion

    New Report Books cannot be added to the File Cabinet with this release, and the Report Books feature will be removed in the Spring17 release in May 2017. Existing Report Books can still be used until they are converted to Report Collections or until the feature is deprecated.

    The Report Books to Report Collections conversion tool:

    • Converts each Report Book to a Report Collection, with the same properties and settings, and places it in the same File Cabinet folder path as the Report Book source;

    • Removes the converted Report Books from the File Cabinet;

    • Updates the Dynamic Reports Usage Report with the Report Collections.

    To convert your existing Report Books to Report Collections, contact Support.

    Features and Enhancements

    Help Resources Menu

    Links to various help resources—online help, support, training, etc.—can now be found under the Help Resources link, located in the top right corner of the UI, under your login user name.

    Click the Search All link to launch a centralized page where you can search all of Host Analytic's various help resources—Community, Education, Online Help, and so forth.

    Workforce Reporting Area Cloud Scheduler Integration

    The Workforce Reporting Area is now available for selection as a Task when creating a Process Flow task in the Cloud Scheduler, so you can schedule your Workforce Reporting-based Scenario Processes.

    Job Manager Enhancement

    Admin users can now delete all types of jobs from the Job Manager—scheduled, queued, or completed—by selecting the job and then clicking the trash can (delete) icon.

    Reports Drill-Through Enhancements

    Previously drill-through on transactions provided only current month/MTD detail. Now, drill-through displays values from the beginning of the year to the current period when YTD or QTD are applied.

    Values displayed in the drill-through pop-up window are applicable for all periods, from either the beginning of the current fiscal year or the period selected during report design. For example, if current month is set to September, drill-through displays the values from January until September if YTD is the Measure applied.

    Further, the columns for transactional or translation drill through data can now be sorted in the pop-up window.

    Dynamic Reports Grid Action Menu Enhancements

    The Grid Actions menu (located under the More tab) for Dynamic Reports has been modified as follows: 

    • Grid On/Off menu selection has been changed to Show/Hide Gridlines

    • Freeze On/Off menu selection has been changed to Freeze/Unfreeze Panes

    • Show/Hide Row Headers and Show/Hide Column Headers have been added, for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and IE 11 non-compatibility browsers

    Further, column headers in dimension-based Dynamic Reports are now center-aligned.

    Attribute Settings Enhancements

    The following updates and modifications have been made for Attribute Settings.

    Cloud Processing

    Attribute Settings are now processed in the cloud so you can continue working while processing takes place. Once complete, you will be notified via email, as well as via an in-application notification.

    Usage Reports

    Usage Reports are now available for Attribute Settings (navigate to Maintenance > Admin > Cube Settings > Attribute Settings) in the Mapped Attributes, Mapped Properties, and Mapped Measures panes.

    Selecting an attribute, property, or measure and then clicking Usage Reports opens a pop-up window, which displays all the places where the attribute, property, or measure is used in various reporting screens.

    Mapped attributes, properties, or measures can be unmapped only if they are not used in a report.

    Audit Log Tracking

    Attribute Settings are now available as an Audit Area, via Maintenance > Audit > View Audit Log, on theApplication Audit Details screen, under the Select Criteria tab. The audit log is updated when Attribute Settings are updated for all Reporting Areas.

    Compensation Items, Add and Edit

    Add and edit functionality for Compensation Items is now available for all browsers. The UI has also been updated.

    Reporting Currency

    Previously, currency conversion for Opening Periods was inaccurate for calculations in Forecast and Budget Scenarios. This has been resolved.

    Member Group, Source Company Export, MSOB

    Hierarchy Management has been enhanced to allow for Hierarchy Export of the Group and Source Company fields when multiple set of books (MSOB) is enabled.

    Data Calculations Exceptions Enhancement

    The data calculations setting now provides the ability to enable this configuration at the scenario level, for either all scenarios or specific scenarios. Previously, this configuration was available only at the application level, with the same calculation applied to all scenarios.

    Data Load Rule Copy-Paste

     Copy-Paste functionality for Data Load Rules is now available for all browsers.

    XLS and XLSX Data Load Performance

    The performance of data loads for XLS and XLSX file types has been improved.

    Alternate Hierarchy Enhancement

    Presently, the application allows for the creation of only one alternate hierarchy. Now, the application can support up to five alternate hierarchies in each dimension.

    The creation of alternative hierarchies is performance intensive maintenance activity. Ideally no other actions should be done until this process is complete.


    • The number of hierarchies is a fluid number and depends primarily on the total number of members that result with the creation of each additional hierarchy;

    • Alternate hierarchies can be created for multiple dimensions, but this may result in a heavy performance load;

    • Performance load can be controlled and improved by removing the hierarchy from being published to the cube.

    Contact Support to enable this feature.

    Block Template

    It is now possible to view Block Templates in any browser.

    Actual Data Template

    It is now possible to input data through Actual Data Template Input in any browser.

    Employee Export Enhancements

    It is now possible to export employees to PDF and Excel formats and share employee reports directly with users via email. This feature is available for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome browsers.

    Note that the exported report should be used within 24 hours from the time the report is generated.

    Hierarchy Management Attribute Rollup

    Rollup based on Attributes is now available in Hierarchy Management, for all browsers. This is accomplished by selecting the Rollup based on Attributes option in the Type drop-down list on the Add Hierarchy page.

    Note that this feature works best on hierarchies where rollup operators are not enabled.

    Broadcast Messages

    The Host Analytics Customers For Life (CFL) team now provides broadcast messages to application users about important system and application updates. These messages appear at the top-right corner of the application.

    Google Drive

    You can now create GL and Translation type Data Load Rules (DLRs), similar to Box-based data loads, using Google Drive. Maximum file size for data loads is 35MB; files larger than this will impact overall performance. See "Cloud Services" topic for more information.

    Files fetched from Google Drive are based on user account configuration.

    Role Management

    Business users can now manage the roles assigned to External user accounts, via Maintenance > Admin > User Management.

    Security Updates

    The following security updates have been initiated with this release: 

    • User accounts not used for 90 days are now deactivated

    • Authorization checks revision across application

    • Users encountering page display errors must contact administrators to verify access

    • Authorization check for Web Services Access is enabled

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