Second Step- Module and Template Setup
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    Second Step- Module and Template Setup

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    Article summary

    Once again, MyPlan is primarily for the casual business user, so the goal is to keep budgeting and forecasting simple. It is a best practice to create MyPlan Only templates. These templates should primarily focus on simple data balance input. Admins should avoid drivers and complex calculations (simple summation is fine) when setting up templates. Simple balance input should be the ultimate goal for MyPlan templates. The MyPlan interface will only display twelve months at a time for data input and this is by design.

    Recommended Template Setup

    When adding templates for MyPlan consumption, it is important to design them around the following recommendations:

    1. Create New Templates

      Do not leverage existing application templates. It is recommended that you configure new templates for MyPlan. Some templates can be specific for different types of user configurations. More information is provided on this topic below.

    2. Sequence of Template Columns

      Design templates so that the sequence in which the columns are displayed show MyPlan data correctly. The ideal sequence is (from left to right); Compare Scenario (remember MyPlan only uses one), Year Total, Variance.


    3. GL String Data Must be Unique

      In order to use MyPlan, GL string data must be unique and cannot be repeated across templates or modules. For example, if I have the following GL String 01.111.123 in template 1, I can’t have the same GL string (01.111.123) in template 2. If this happens the data will double and you will have inconsistent variance results. Additionally, do not use the same GL string across different modules. For example, if you have Gl string 01.111.123 in template 1, it is not recommended to have 01.111.123 as a destination account in the Workforce Planning module as well. Once again this will result in consistent variance results.

    4. Keep the Overall Template Design Simple

      Templates with a large number of columns and rows, or that contain a large amount of complex formulas (summation is fine) and drivers will not work appropriately with the MyPlan features. MyPlan is designed for ease of use; mostly simple balance inputs.

    5. Ensure the Column Width are Set Correctly

      Headers will not display properly if the column width is not set to the appropriate size in the original template when configured. Column widths can be changed in Contributor Mode by any user that has access to the template. It is important that users do not change the column width for any template once the template is setup and deployed.

    6. Template Calculations

      For templates linked to MyPlan, end users will have the ability to enter Excel formulas they would normally use in Planning templates. The only difference is that MyPlan templates will not show row numbers or column letters. End users can still type formulas by selecting a cell, entering an operator, and then navigating around to the appropriate cells to finish entering a formula.

    Changing Template Accounts

    If you want to change accounts in a template at any time, you must perform the following steps:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Templates > Template Setup.

    2. Select the template for which you want to change the set of accounts and click Setup > Template Setup.

    3. Change accounts as needed.

    4. Click Save.

    5. Navigate to the Planning Control Panel and open and save the template in Input mode for all mapped budget entities. Or, run the Simulation Engine. For information on how to run the Simulation Engine, click here.

    Setting Up a Global Single Copy Template

    Currently, MyPlan only supports the GTSC (Global Template Single Copy) template. MyPlan will not work with the other template types. GTSC is the most powerful and most often used template type. Setting up a GTSC template to use with MyPlan must be configured within the planning application. Detailed steps to setup Planning templates as well as a description of the fields and example templates are available in the Planning Admin Guide. The steps below are for MyPlan template setup only.

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Template > Template Setup.

    2. Click the Add template icon (“+”).

    3. Select the template type drop down box, select the Global Template- Single Copy, and add a Template Code (Template Name is optional).

    4. Click Save.


    5. Next, select the Template Columns tab.

    6. For Time Sets , select Custom Time Set.

    7. Make the following selections when the Custom Time Set option is selected:

      • Time Set = All Months (Default)

    1. Automatically generate Year Total and Variance columns. Or, manually set them up in Template Setup if the same template will be used in Contributor mode and for MyPlan.

      1. Create the MyPlan template with or without summary columns. A simple template in MyPlan displays Year Total, Compare Scenario Total and Variance automatically and does not need to be defined in Template setup. The image below displays the Template Setup - Template Columns page.


      2. The following image displays the same template in MyPlan with Total, Compare Scenario and Variance columns. The automatically generated columns appear in the MyPlan template only. These columns do not automatically appear in the templates in Contributor mode.

      Automatically generated columns appear in MyPlan Template even though Summary columns are configured in the Template. Administrators do not have to disable summary columns.

      You cannot reference the Total columns to set formulas in templates.


    2. Click the Segment Members tab.

    3. Configure all necessary defaults for each dimension if needed. It is a best practice to add defaults for all dimensions that are not being used within the application (some maybe labeled future or placeholder elements) or the dimensions not needed for planning. Adding defaults will make configuring destination accounts within the templates easier. See sample screenshot below.


    4. Click Save.

      The formula for variance in MyPlan Template is always - Variance = [ Total - Compare Scenario Total] . You cannot reference the Total columns to set formulas in templates.

    Adding Destination Accounts With System-Defined Variances

    The MyPlan interface is centered around working with variance. The variance columns and formulas are automatically generated so there is no need to set up formulas to calculate the variance for each column. Once destination accounts are added, you can view the formulas that support the calculation of variances by navigating to Admin > Templates > Template Setup and selecting the scenario and template. Then, click Setup > Template Setup to access the template.

    Before you create variance formulas, you have to map your template from the Default scenario to the scenario you created above or the scenario you want to use the MyPlan Only templates against. You have to map the template to the scenario because you create a calculation from the compare scenario column and you can’t see the compare scenario column when the template is in the Default scenario

    Workforce Planning Module Setup

    MyPlan interacts differently with the Workforce Planning Module when compared with Planning. When headcount is added or adjusted in MyPlan, this information is passed to the Workforce Planning module. When Employee Types are created and Compensation Items (which have GL Accounts connected to them) are mapped to Employee Types, MyPlan recognizes the GL accounts mapped with those active Compensation Items. Active refers to the Compensation Items that are live and are being used within the planning process. In some cases there maybe some Compensation Items created that are not mapped to Employee Types. These compensation items are considered Inactive and MyPlan will not recognize these items, which is by design.

    From a configuration standpoint there isn’t anything special that needs to be done for Workforce Planning. It is best practice to make sure you create compensation items that have GL accounts that are both meaningful for Planning and have been used for Actuals and other Compare scenarios.
    For detailed information about setting up the Workforce Planning module, please see the Workforce Planning Admin Guide.

    Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Module Setup

    MyPlan has a direct connection to the CapEx Module. When Assets are added or adjusted in MyPlan, the information is passed to the CapEx Module. When admins setup attributes to capture information to collect asset data, these attributes are passed to MyPlan, and the admin can choose which attributes the user can input data against. The most important component of using the Capex Module with MyPlan is configuring a MyPlan Only capital template. The template should be easy enough for casual business users to easily add assets, which will calculate depreciation quickly.

    Please follow the configuration below before this module is linked to MyPlan. Please note that the application functionality allows the ability to create multiple Capital templates, so it is a best practice for customers to have one MyPlan Only capital template for the casual business user and perhaps a second more advanced Capital template for power users.

    The assumption is that you have all Assets and Asset Categories you need already setup. If not, please add those additional Asset and Asset Categories before you proceed to the next step. For more information on adding Assets and setting up Asset Categories please see the Capital Planning Admin Guide. It is also assumed that you either have a Capital template setup already, by a member of the Planful consulting team or a partner, that you can leverage. If not, please see the Capital Planning Admin Guide, for step by step instructions.

    It is important that you avoid creating duplicate Asset Codes and Names. Also, if you add an Asset to a closed period, the depreciation for that Asset will not be calculated or posted against the closed period. If this happens, it will lead to a situation where you will not be able to quickly adjust variances, which is key functionality within MyPlan. So, it is best practice to NOT add Assets during closed periods.

    CapEx Module Setup

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Template > Template Setup.

    2. Click the Add template icon (“+”).

    3. Select the Template Type drop down box, and then select the Capital Template.

    4. Next, Enter the Template Code - Capex MyPlan, and the click the Save button on the toolbar.


    5. Click the Template Columns tab. You will see the attributes that will be used during the MyPlan configuration setup.

    6. Navigate to Maintenance > Capital > Asset Setup. Here you will have the ability to finish setting up your template.

    7. In the Asset Setup screen, you can add assets and link them to an asset category, which will ultimately be linked to Finance Modes.

    8. Click the Finance Mode tab. Map all necessary asset categories to the correct finance mode. Finance Mode is where you will be configuring you capital template. For MyPlan, it is best practice to configure one Finance Mode and then link all Assets Categories that you will be using to it.


    9. The ideal configuration for the input capital template is pretty straight forward. Ideally you would have configured your Capital Module with the following 6 attribute columns: Purchase Month, Depr. Start Month, Units, Rate, Amount, and Asset Life . This process should have been done during your application implementation. If not, you can enable this module with these parameters now. Navigate to Maintenance > Admin > Configuration Tasks > Define Capital Budgeting Criteria. Please review the Capital Planning Admin Guide, for step by step instructions. Below is a screenshot of the idea configuration.


      Here is the template view after configuration.


    10. The good news is if you already have the Capital Module configured, MyPlan will use your exact configuration. All you have to do is map those attribute fields (created in the Capital Budgeting Criteria section) to MyPlan during configuration of the MyPlan Interface. The MyPlan interface configuration is discussed later in this document.

    Configuring Capital Templates for use in MyPlan

    The ideal configuration for the Capital MyPlan Only template is shown below in the screenshot. If you have configured the Capital Budgeting Criteria section the same way as picture above, the column description should line up perfectly. If not don’t worry, once again, MyPlan will use the configuration you already have setup. The below description is specifically for new configurations. In the future we will deliver a “default” MyPlan Only template.


    • Column W should be Purchase Month

    • Column X should be Depre. Start Month

    • Column Y should be Units,

    • Column Z should be Rate

    • Column AA should be Amount (see the Rate X Units topic below)

    Some of the column headers listed above my change due to your exact configuration. If you want a template with more advanced options and calculations (like milestone payments for example), you must create a separate Capital template to be used in the Planning side of the application, (not MyPlan).

    Rate X Units

    Ensure that you set up the formula for Units times Rate correctly so that the Amount column reflects the accurate total as shown in the Finance Mode (shown below) and the Capital template (opened from the Planning Control Panel also shown below).

    Finance Mode Template Setup:


    CapEx Template for Atlanta Operations opened from Planning Control Panel:


    This configuration translates to MyPlan so that when users access the period and entity in MyPlan and add an asset (as shown below), Units times Rate will calculate the correct amount.



    The information entered in MyPlan is written back to the Capital template in the Planning application when the user selects Submit as shown below. More information is provided on this topic later in this document.


    MyPlan Account Mapping

    The MyPlan Account Mapping screen provides visibility and the ability to control account data displayed in the MyPlan interface for Workforce Planning and Capital Planning. Once accounts are added to Workforce Planning and/or Capital Planning modules, they are displayed on the MyPlan Account Mapping screen.

    It’s important to note that in general, Admin users will not need to access the Account Mapping screen. This screen is primarily for the following unique cases:

    Case 1

    Situation : Account mappings of Finance modes (Capital) or Salary Components (Workforce Planning) are modified subsequent to the posting of data.

    Resolution : In this case Admin users need to access the Account Mapping page, click the Refresh button, then Save for each affected area (Workforce Planning and/or Capital).

    Case 2

    Situation : An Admin user wants to exclude certain account / segment combinations from MyPlan data and calculations. Or, an Admin wants to include certain accounts in MyPlan data; beyond the accounts that are mapped against the Finance Mode (Capital) or Salary Components (Workforce Planning).

    Resolution : This use case is not yet supported in the current release and will be available in an upcoming release.

    In Practice

    Under Maintenance > Admin > Configuration Tasks , select MyPlan Account Mapping.


    Account Mapping is enabled automatically and the screen below appears with account mapping details for Workforce and Capital Planning.


    On this page, click the Workforce tab to view Workforce defined accounts or the Capital tab to view accounts specified during Finance Mode setup. Save the setup to activate these accounts. There are no additional configuration requirements needed. If a new compensation item is added with new accounts, for example, you must open and save this page as mentioned above. It is not updated automatically.

    The data in the Workforce screen is populated from various sources. Using the screen above as an example, the scenarios displayed are mapped from the compensation items / accounts. Only statistical accounts are displayed. Accounts are identified as “statistical ” on the Add/Edit Compensation Item page. Access the Compensation Item Add/Edit screen by navigating to Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup and click the Compensation Item tab. Edit or Add a compensation item. Statistical accounts must be selected for the compensation item account in the Settings tab as shown below.


    Fund1 and Location1 are populated based on Workforce Defaults (Workforce Defaults is accessed by navigating to Maintenance > WFP > Workforce Planning Setup > click the Workforce Defaults tab). Future, IC Segment, and Project segments are pulled from the employee allocations section (shown below) available when adding or editing an employee.


    As mentioned earlier, the Capital screen is populated in full from defined Finance Modes.

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