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Translations provide a mechanism for you to map the data from your local chart of accounts of the reporting site (subsidiary or a partner company) with the common reporting chart of accounts used in Planful.
If your entities do not use a Common Chart of Accounts, you must provide data load files with your native chart of accounts. A Translation will be required to map your native chart of accounts used in your source data load file against the Common Chart of Accounts.
Translation Models include;
Translating all native Source Chart of Accounts to the Common Chart of Accounts.
Translating a single source segment to the Common Chart of Accounts.
Translating source segments to Common Chart of Account Segments with Multiple varying Translations.
With Translation models of type 1 & 2, Data load definitions use a single Translation file for mapping. With the Translation model type 3, Data load definitions use multiple Translations to make up the complete COA definition.
Access the Translations Setup page by navigating to Maintenance > DLR > Translations Setup.